Rock band WII?

he got it from John Veneron........

well that leads to another question

who the hell is John Veneron??
Wii Music will probably trump Rock Band.

Of course, with the Wii you don't have to buy hundreds of dollars of accessories to play the game, you can just use the remote and chuck, so they probably would rather the XBox and PS people pay up.
Maforoni welcome to the forums. about the rock band wii no it was only being made for 360 and ps3 not wii. please give me rep by clicking the mushroom near my status.


Maforoni welcome to the forums. about the rock band wii no it was only being made for 360 and ps3 not wii. please give me rep by clicking the mushroom near my status.

Is there a way to DEDUCT rep from a poster? If so, I would definitely use it for "mrcoolgh"!
ssbb_lover said:
I'll be the 1st to take the bait, is this guy for real? ^^
I sent an email to Harmonix. Maybe if they get enough emails they'll go into development.