Spider Man 3 The Movie, what did you think about it?

Well obviously, But if you put it in a spoiler it minimizes the chance of it being seen [Since you have a choice to click it or not]
But BlueRadio's spoiler is quite a big one...
some of the scenes made me think. . . what the heck is this, I don't like how venom is only in the end I diden't think it had to much romance I loved the ending and how venom died sweet! best in the series
They made Venom pretty weak it was cool when Eddie Brock came out of him but every time he talked me would remove the face thing which pissed me off. Sandman was pretty sweet but that one scene where he goes in the truck good you would think some random kid was holding the camera. I thought Harry was awesome especially with his second fight with Peter where He throws the pumpkin bomb back at him it's just like ripping a dead mans head off and eating it.

I loved the pointing thing me and my friend walk down the streets doing it now and more and more people are starting to smile in recognition.
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Bulldogxx831 said:
I liked when Peter smacked a hoe and put her in her place.

:lol: yeah that was funny...I think I was the only one in the theater laughing.

The whole Emo thing was kinda weird, but later it grew onto me and I really started to like it O_O
People say that there wasnt enough action, that was sort of the case, there was a lot of crying...ect. But when there is action, it makes up for all the time lost! The special effects are simply amazing.
i wish that i could make a real crit on this movie, but i haven't seen it yet. all i've been able to do is piece what everyone else has been saying about it.

i tivo ebert and roper to get previews of the latest movies. tonight i watched roper review spiderman 3 and he was pretty harsh about it. although the actions scenes were good, in his opinion, there were too many sub-characters in the movie in which none really stood out in the storyline.

as a big fan of the comic series, i was dissapointed to hear the review on this paticular spiderman storyline. i remember the symbonite/venom series vividly (especially through mcfarlane's illustrations) and i wish that he was the solo villian in 3. unfortunately, as most summer blockbusters go, they typically sucum to the "more is good, but way more is better", ala batman 4 (the one with our beloved :tard: gov schwarzenegger)

i guess that's my point. i haven't seen the movie but it already seems sub-par to the first two.

Wii_Smurf said:
I thought it was kickarse. I loved the Emo Peter, When he starts doing those thrusts in the street LMFAO!

Although it's mainly Sci-Fi/Action I loved the amounts of comedy in it lol
And the action was simply king!

P.S Can everyone please Spoiler parts that give away the story just incase some people who havn't seen it are reading our views.... Mainly BlueRadio 10 Posts up...

well i agree but here is a treat for anyone who wants to watch again or for the first time. it the spderman 3 movie ready to watch right now on your pc

part one http://www.viraptor.info/flvplayer....Hash=f7d2f0b689f2db054e14927cfc59c7bf11ca49e9

part 2 http://www.viraptor.info/flvplayer....Hash=bcffb48e032c95cc70b9d24e8c3505bd21f263b4

i dont think part two works but it might. if not then hit me up and ill give you the site to just go watch it from there.

happy watching true believer. lol
all i can say is Venom better be the main villain next time. They've set his story up, and now it's his time to shine. They can't be done with him because
First of all, he has a pretty intimate relationship with Peter, he's not just some random bad guy. He's close to him and involved in his personal life, just like Harry. Only difference is he's a rival and not a friend. And at the end, after the bomb blew up neither Eddie nor the symbiote were left behind (unless i missed it somehow, but i dont think so) which tells me that Venom escaped during the blast. Those bombs certainly weren't powerful enough to totally vaporize Venom because it did pretty minimal damage to Harry's face when it blew up right next to his head.

So Venom had BETTER BE BACK after having to wait nearly a decade just to see him in the first place!
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ok first oh all why did they try to make it so funny and the sand man was a bad idea what is so scary abot sand and why did they make him emo the movie would of been just as good if he wasnt emo and in the comic books venom cant shot webs and why didnt they have spider man kick the sand mans ass.
fighting scenes were good but really harcore short, everything else was crap
and they should of included more of venom, too much musicals like WTF was up with the jazz club and "do the twist" at harry's, and emo peter going down the street hand shooting people, argh that angered me, i was like wtf mate
The movie was great overall, but it felt a little unrealistic.

Why couldn't Mary Jane just tell Peter about what happened, he's friggin Spiderman! Maybe she really wanted to go through with it, who knows...

and I don't see how Brock could've gotten so mad that he wanted Peter to die before he got venom....

I thought spidey was was a good - but not great film...
It looked f*cking sweet. - but besides looking good what did it have going for it?
There were too many villains to maintain a proper narrative. Venom should not have been in the film. We should have seen a teaser of venom/eddie brock at the end of the film setting up for spidey 4. I know loads of people think venom should have been pretty much every scene - but he's never been a great character - his personality gets f*cked about in the comics like nothing else... Seems to be that "wow venom looks cool! Awesome!" is the single driving factor behind the character in any medium (although the film did portray a much better eddie brock/venom emergence story than the comics).
And the whole sandman venom team-up was kinda lame - how the heck did venom know about sandmans motives?
The film is a bit like Superman Returns. Good to look at - but when you sit back it kinda doesn't fit. Gwen Stacy for instance? her appearances were erratic... Didn't connect gwen going out with peter to eddie at all. He should have been lurking in the background looking ominous when her and pete go on that date.
Basically the film got d*cked around cause too many people were wanting Venom in the moive. Raimi had to write Venom in to please fanboys. Although Seriously Venom's character in the comic books has sucked some major ass. Apart from looking cool his storylines are all messed up and continuity goes right out the window whenever a new writer picks him up. (You can tell I like the comics)...
All in all I think there was too much in the film. The first film was amazing, second film was also pretty damn good, third one kind of lost it I'm afraid - too much going on.
Its good. Not great - but its definately the weakest of the trilogy.
But don't get me started on Superman Returns... It sucks ass through a straw...
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it was good but not great. My favorite part was when harry and peter where fighting in harry's apartment and harry throws a punkin bomb at peter when he has his back turned and then he flings it back at harry. FREAKING AWSOME!:D