SSX Blur Controls Trailer

I actually hated SSX 3. I wasn't able to play On-Tour as much as I wanted because of my simulation sickness but I liked it when I played it. SSX Tricky is by far my favorite. If this was purely a Wii version of Tricky I would buy it and play it for days at a time stopping only to release toxins from my body and putting more in.:ciappa:
The only SSX game I played was the first one. I have seen Tricky in action but never have played it.

I must say I'm looking foward to this SSX game for the Wii and should be fun with the Wii-mote and nunchuck.

This Game Looks Awesome!
Just Wondering, Anybody Know If It Is Any Good?
Anyone Know How It Compares To The SSX Games EA Games Made For PS2?
Cheers x