The Loose cannon

sounds good to me

btw what the hell does TBH mean?!?!? its driving me crazy!!!
to be honest

and while we're on abbrevs that us n00bs don't know..... Jill, what's ETA all the time? couldn't just say "edit:" like everybody else? lol.

When looking for a pic of the old brawny man, the second pic in a "brawny" google images search was my post a while back. Wierd.
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Brawny said: couldn't just say "edit:" like everybody else? lol.

When looking for a pic of the old brawny man, the second pic in a "brawny" google images search was my post a while back. Wierd.

Brawny as if you dont know, jill thinks she is better and more important then us so she has her own posh methods hence ETA:lol:
The_Loose_Cannon said:
i dont think my bf will like that :yikes:

however if you can afford a harry winston ring then im yours! (its approximately a 30,000$ ring! and thats just for starters lol)

better start saving kid! :D
*breaks open his piggy-bank*