The Macho/Chauvenistic Movement THREAD! [V 2.0]

first you have to get hit by the Prize Melon snowball, which is shaped and similar in weight to a watermelon.

then comes the Come-Back-Here, which is a snowball attached to a belt so it can be retrieved.

after that is the CollegeBoy, in which is a rather bookish school chum's broken glasses, after which the snowball is forcibly fed to you for a great laugh.

next is the Baked Alaska, which is a snowball covered in a standard flammable gel.

after that is the Gouger, which through selective melting and whittling with a knife is shaped like a scythe and can gouge a fellow's eye.

after that is the Feathered Friend, a snowball in which has been packed a live chickadee.

next comes the Squib, which contains a small explosive charge filled with fake blood (which can be readily made at home using corn syrup, red food dye, and blood.)

afterwards is the Gasser, which contains a small explosive charge of Mustard Gas.

Finally is the Old Soldier, which is a snowball that has been kept in the freezer from 3-7 winters past, and has collected a fair amount of rough freezer ice, which can scar a fellow's face.
kiraownsurmom said:
wow tortilla you had some time on your hands

@wiiman "i came here to kick ass and chew bubble gum,and im all out of bubble gum"

dude u gotta read The Areas of my Expertise" by John Hodgman.
you will die laughing
i know, i know if only!!! hahaha, wow 39 pages congratulations everybody!!! WOOT!!! *shoots chips in knee caps and poisons him with chloriform*