The Many Holidays of Every Day

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  • #166
That'l do. =D

Jazz and coffee go hand in hand, indeed... Both in mood and "flavor".
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  • #167
November 7th

Today, we've got a lack of holidays again...

National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day
Job Action Day
Republican Elephant Day

National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day I normally wouldn't be mentioning since you all know I'd just spout the inevitable fat American joke, and complain we already have a chocolate day. But, chocolate with almonds is ****ing awesome, as is couverture chocolate. Since everything else sucks, I guess this is my holiday pick of the day...

Job Action Day is something I'd love to participate in, but am assed out regardless. It's the day you should work towards furthering your career or, in the case of our shitty economies, getting a job in the first place. Although, if you need a day to tell you to get a job, you probably won't get one. Also considering most people without a job can't get one, this holiday is therefore stupid. GTFO.

Republican Elephant Day celebrates the day in 1874 where the Elephant was used to represent the republican party in a political cartoon... Yeah. The democrats likewise have a day probably, but both are stupid regardless. GTFO politics.

So what're y'all's favorite type of chocolate/chocolate confection? For me, I'd say home made Swiss style, milk chocolate couverture truffles. Holy fuck can they be tantalizingly good when made right... I've gotta learn how to make 'em. :lol:
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Favorite... Haha Dove! Yep their meant for ladies on their rage week. I don't care they're so ffffing delicious.
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  • #169
Dove is pretty good, their chocolate is generally very smooth and creamy. I don't remember the cocoa content off the top of my head, though...
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  • #170
November 8th

Today, we've got a good seven holidays.

Cappuccino Day
Abet and Aid Punsters Day
Cook Something Bold and Pungent Day
General Election Day (US)
National Parents As Teachers Day
X-ray Day
Admission Day (Montana)

Considering the precursor to this was my coffee day thread, y'all should know my love for coffee. Thus, I have no problem celebrating Cappuccino Day. I do prefer the simplicity of black coffee and appreciate the natural bitter, bold taste, but a well-made cappuccino is something just as delightful. And no, I'm not referring to that garbage Starbucks spews out or stuff you get from a fast food drive through. I'm talking legitimate coffeehouses hosting of a quality that even a coffee haters would enjoy their cappuccinos. Yep, caffeine gets it's fair share of holiday picks of the day when it's my call. ;)

Abet and Aid Punsters Day is that pun day I mentioned a bit back... Let the moans and groans begin, unfortunately.

Cook Something Bold and Pungent Day is what it is; cook something rancid that'l turn your breath more dangerous than a dragon's. I loves me some garlic, so I won't have any problems celebratin' today. :p

General Election Day is the US' day for public official elections, which is to say the Tuesday after the first Monday of November (... why the **** can't it just be the first Tuesday?). Woohoo... ... ...

National Parents As Teachers Day is a sin and should gtfo. I'd bet money 90% of US parents aren't qualified to teach primary school (ohai are you smarter than a fifth grader). One day won't kill anyone, but really... It's the encouragement of non-professionals to do a professional job that I don't like. This ain't the 1700s, after all.

X-ray Day celebrates the discovery of said radiation's use thanks to Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen. Modern science would be laughable if we suddenly took X-rays out of the history books, so the man deserves props. Particularly since all his experiments with X-radiation lead to his inevitable and untimely death, as well as his wife's. He damn well earned the first Nobel Peace Prize for physics.

We all know what admission days are by now. Montana's Admission Day occurs on the same date in 1889, securing Montana as the US' 41st state.

So, who knows the difference between a cappuccino and plain ol' coffee? :p
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Not much. Whenever I don't drink standard coffee, I'll drink hot chocolate. I might have cappuccino whenever I get to a gas station.
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  • #176
I could not possibly concur with your opinion of which disapproves of my own dismay about your disagreement of the statement I had recently posted in regards to our thoughts being on different sides about tea.
I object to your possibility of your inability to concur with my dissaproval over your lack of approval about disagreeing of the statement you had recently posted in regards to our thoughts being on different sides about tea!