The Many Holidays of Every Day

Never said it wasn't. Racism's gonna exist so long as humans are sentient, plain and simple. Haters gonna hate.

It really isn't something you can debate over. There're no absolute facts or data. We can throw opinions at eachother, but that ain't gonna go anywhere fast since there aren't any statistic to back it. Just ain't a way to prove who's right or wrong.
This is a case where data is not required. We have the interwebz now: It's much simpler to go at each other's throats.
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I debate in the pursuit of knowledge, not as a source of entertainment. :p

Regardless of how entertaining it can be.
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October 28th

Today, we've got a great seven holidays and one birthday.

National Chocolate Day (US)
International Bandanna Day
Frankenstein Friday
Saint Jude's Day
Statue Of Liberty Day
Independence Day (Czech Republic)
Ohi Day (Greece)
Jonas Salk's Birthday

Oh look, another day for us fat Americans to shove something unhealthy in our faces... But, you'd have to be stupid to not "celebrate" National Chocolate Day. Rather than grabbing a bunch of cheap chocolate and making out like fat Albert in a candy shop, invest in a small amount of deluxe chocolate; you'll be glad you did. You get to endorse in more deliciousness with less heart attack. :D

International Bandanna Day is a day of awareness declared by The Sunflower Fund for people to donate to their cause by buying a Bandanna. Their funds tend to go to helping people with blood disorders, those with leukemia in particular.

Frankenstein Friday celebrates the creator of Frankenstein and the first actor to play Frankenstein. Frankenstein obviously holds no terror nor scare factor nowadays, but that's only because the legendary monster was overplayed and parodied far too often; sort of like every ****ing meme on the internets. So yeah, today's a cool holiday for all you horror fans out there. Oh, and here's a fun fact for ya; did you know Shelley didn't create Frankenstein on imagination alone? At least some of her inspiration comes from the true story of a scientist who was a pioneer of electricity. He would shock corpses of animals, limbs, and eventually whole cadavers and cause their nervous systems to react and thus, "reanimate" the dead, stunning on-looking crowds. Alessandro Volta believed he'd one day be able to permanently bring someone back to life with electricity, but as you know, this never happened; or at least, it happened only in a book.

Saint Jude's Day is a feast day for Jude the Apostle. I know nothin' about 'em, so here ya go.

Statue Of Liberty Day celebrates the same date in 1886 that the France-gifted Statue of Liberty was publicly unveiled. Contrary to the belief the Statue of Liberty indeed represents the US' Liberty and freedoms, but that ain't exactly it. Rather, it represents the undying relationship of France and the US. Little ol' France greatly sympathized with the US' ideals, and of course helped in the American Revolution. Thus, it represents the ties two lands hold; as well as the freedom-ideals that brought them together in the first place.

Czech Republic's Independence Day celebrates the day the Austrian-Hungary empire fell apart during WWI, which as a result could obviously no longer control Czechoslovakia, leaving it independent and free.

No, this isn't ohai day. Ohi (also spelled as Ochi) Day commemorates the day Greek Prime Minister Ioannis Metaxas rejected Italian dictator Mussolini's ultimatum of allowing his forces to capture "strategic locations" throughout Greece, or go to war. A ballsy move knowing that Mussolini was part of the Axis powers, and thus had Hitler on his side. The war that came from this brilliant act of defiance, known as the Greeco-Italian War, lasted a full year of Greece kicking ass. But once Nazi Germany intervened the ass-kicking (at this point becoming known as the Battle of Greece), the tides quickly turned and Greece fell. Regardless, Greece made a choice in fighting back, and WWII could of ended differently or had even more war casualties if they didn't. For that reason, this gets my holiday pick of the day.

Jonas Salk was mentioned by Trollface a bit ago, actually; and his birthday is certainly a noteworthy one. Salk was a famous virologist who developed the first safe polio vaccine; and prior to this vaccine, Polio was the most feared health problem in all of America. He single handed saved hundreds of thousands of lives from death and paralysis. Even after his vaccine breakthrough, he still contributed to medical science in many ways. He wrote plenty of books and continued researching other terrible health issues and disorders, including searching for the vaccine to HIV. It's possible the recent breakthroughs in fighting HIV were directly aided by Salk's findings himself.

More than ever in modern times, we all make a choice by choosing to not act... I'm curious when the next dark hour of total war and despair encroaches apon the world (non-nuclear, since then we'd all be ****ed regardless :p), if there will be notable defiance against whomever is causing this evil before it gains too much momentum. We can always find something grand every country did in their past, but what about the present? In 50 years, will we look back on all the recent events in a good light, or not? ... Knowing governments, we sure as **** will in the history books, anywho.

First they came for the communists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.
SSBfreakCK said:
I debate in the pursuit of knowledge, not as a source of entertainment. :p

Regardless of how entertaining it can be.
Debate should be entertaining while you pursue knowledge.
More than ever in modern times, we all make a choice by choosing to not act... I'm curious when the next dark hour of total war and despair encroaches apon the world (non-nuclear, since then we'd all be ****ed regardless :p), if there will be notable defiance against whomever is causing this evil before it gains too much momentum. We can always find something grand every country did in their past, but what about the present? In 50 years, will we look back on all the recent events in a good light, or not? ... Knowing governments, we sure as **** will in the history books, anywho.
WTF is this?
Frankenstein Friday celebrates the creator of Frankenstein and the first actor to play Frankenstein. Frankenstein obviously holds no terror nor scare factor nowadays, but that's only because the legendary monster was overplayed and parodied far too often; sort of like every ****ing meme on the internets. So yeah, today's a cool holiday for all you horror fans out there. Oh, and here's a fun fact for ya; did you know Shelley didn't create Frankenstein on imagination alone? At least some of her inspiration comes from the true story of a scientist who was a pioneer of electricity. He would shock corpses of animals, limbs, and eventually whole cadavers and cause their nervous systems to react and thus, "reanimate" the dead, stunning on-looking crowds. Alessandro Volta believed he'd one day be able to permanently bring someone back to life with electricity, but as you know, this never happened; or at least, it happened only in a book.

A little error people make (even the movie makers) is that Frankenstien is the Dr/bloke that made the monster.
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A little error people make (even the movie makers) is that Frankenstien is the Dr/bloke that made the monster.

****, called me out Prinny. :lol: Won't deny I'm ignorant in all things horror ('cept ol' Freddy).
:p Chocolate Day!

Don't forget Salk did it for the people not for profit or fame. Dirty socialist :wink:

I enjoyed that last bit but that statement at the end is now used a lot by the t-baggers as tho somehow the Obama regime is just like the Nazis. :crazy: Irony...

You do know about the Arab Spring and the recent rebel victory in Libya right? I know not many pay attention but Id call that pretty notable.
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October 29th

Today, we've got a large seven holidays and two anniversaries.

Hermit Day
Oatmeal Day
Visit a Cemetery Day
World Psoriasis Day
National Cat Day
National Forgiveness Day
Republic Day (Turkey)
Internet's Anniversary
1929 Stock Market Crash's Anniversary

Hermit Day is the day for everyone to be, indeed, a hermit. Whether you're internet obsessed, anti social, or like things quiet and peaceful, leave those doors closed and do whatever you like to do when at home all day; fitting for a Saturday. I'm the latter of those categories in loving the peace and quiet, so if life allowed, I sure as **** would hermit myself in my house for five days out of seven a week. :lol: One of the greatest things in life, is not living it at all.

Oatmeal Day is the day to eat oatmeal... Yeah. In all honesty I've hated everything oatmeal except for cookies for many a year, so I think I'll pass on this day. But feel free to indulge yourselves.

Visit a Cemetery Day is yet another self explanatory day today; too bad it conflicts with Hermit Day. Today is a day of many purposes; to enjoy the grim but beautiful fall scenery in a cemetery, to pay respects to those six feet under, or to visit one at night and rejoice as Halloween approaches. ;) I'll personally be dropping Hermit Day (I do it often enough as is :lol: ) for this, since there is someone for me to pay respects to.

World Psoriasis Day is a day of awareness for Psoriasis, a sort of skin condition that has various types and issues associated. The main issue caused by it is decreased quality of life and such; severe itching, for the youngin's still in school bullying, and the condition itself can inflict problems similar to what other chronic diseases like diabetes or depression can cause; in fact, it can lead to depression to compound already existing issues. Psoriasis isn't something that will kill you, but it's certainly not a worthless awareness day.

National Cat Day is about those adorable fur balls we all (should) love. I could be wrong, but America may very well be the cat country with somewhere around 35% of all households owning a cat, making it the most owned pet. So yeah, all you dog owners can piss off until Mutt Day comes 'round. ;D Celebrate the widely-beloved feline however you see fit; except for standing idly by while you watch someone dress their cat up... The poor things. ;_;

National Forgiveness Day is stupid. If you're willing to forgive someone because a day randomly says so rather than of your own volition and kindness, stop being a dick every other day of the year and be forgiving and merciful whenever possible. GTFO out award, this day receives.

Turkey's Republic Day celebrates the day Turkey officially became a republic in 1923. Three years prior Turkey was pretty much a republic, but '23 was when things went officially recognized and they then proceeded to have presidential elections.

Nerds and Wiichaters alike, rejoice! The Internet's 42nd Anniversary is apon us! =D Way back in '69, two universities in California had two computers exchange data for the very first time. From then, the rest is history... But for those who don't know, I'll enlighten ya. Way back when the internet was first created, it wasn't the internet we know and love today at all. It was nothing more than a means of sending data between computers, usage allowed for only the elite; governments and colleges/universities. There was no google or search engines storing massive amounts of data, no websites, and sure as **** no streaming. I was a means of computers to communicate with each other, nothing more. It took plenty of research, money, and evolutions in computer technology before we got what we have now. And just a decade and a half ago, we didn't even have Google. Just Yahoo and such... Ugh. From a way to transfer information to an infinite depository for information, we've come a long way. Holiday pick of the day, no question. ♪

The 1929 Stock Market Crash's Anniversary certainly isn't something to celebrate, but something to be aware of. You think today's economy is ****, right? Perhaps you've heard we've never had unemployment and poverty so horrid since 1929, right? Yeah. The Great Depression sparked by "Black Thursday" had much worse conditions than even now. Unemployment skyrocketed to 25% and still higher everywhere, some of the poorest countries reaching 33%. Times none the tougher in modern economics, indeed. Life these days is tough, but back then a life and a home were both absurdly hard to keep in your grasp.

So, whose celebrating Hermit Day by celebrating the Internet's Anniversary? They go hand in hand, after all. :D And if not, are ya celebrating Visit a Cemetary Day instead?
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You do know about the Arab Spring and the recent rebel victory in Libya right? I know not many pay attention but Id call that pretty notable.

Absolutely, that's what spurred me to make that little tidbit about "evil" actually. However, notable in which light, is the question. We all know the history books love to twist things more than a taffy puller. And there's been some news as of late of nasty doings from the rebels, which some people have labeled as being signs of a "one dictator to the next" movement. I'm just sayin' that the book ain't closed on Libya just yet, who knows if things might somehow take a turn for the bad.
31 October 1926 Jimmy Saville born(Name means a lot more if you are British and know about true celebs)
October 29th 2011 Sir Jimmy Saville dies
Nay on both.

DPrinny said:
A little error people make (even the movie makers) is that Frankenstien is the Dr/bloke that made the monster.
.... How the hell do you make that kind of mistake?
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Its hard to promote a film with a monster with no name.

Look on the box of every film with it in
It has "Frankenstien" on the box