The Never Ending Chain Reation a.k.a "Rock Paper Scissors" on Steroids GAME


Number 1 GE Wiimote User
Dec 24, 2011
Cumberland, RI
Wii Online Code
So here's a game I just thought up...
What if "Rock, Paper, Scissors" never ended?
We all know scissors cut paper...And that paper covers rock...And that rock breaks scissors...

But what if Rock never got to break those annoying scissors??? What if Rock was then crushed by bulldozer...? And then the bulldozer ran low on gas? And then the gas was ignited by fire...? And then the fire was put out by firemen...? And then the firemen were laid off for being drunk on the job...and then the job was eliminated by budget cuts...and then the budget cuts were eliminated by Obama spending...and then Obama was replaced by Romney...and then...well you get the idea...
I mean, who knew that Rock could lead to a new President??! The possibilities are endless. Let's see where we end up?

I'll get us started with a couple simple ones, and then each person can add one to it in subsequent posts:

Saw cuts wood...

Wood burns in fire...

Fire melts ice.............
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Excellent game idea Tamps. :thumbsup: I'mma be lazy 'n only start one chain.

Water douses fire. /uncreative
burnt butt causes pain"pain leads to fear fear leads to anger anger leads to violence violence leads to the dark side"i cant remember if i quoted correctly
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  • #7
No's like rock paper scissors....I said "the dark side leads to suffering..."
Then you are supposed to say something like...
"Suffering causes blackouts..."

Then I would say...
"Blacking out makes you vulnerable to have your wallet get stolen...

Now you...
Ohhhh i get it now! sanx for the explanation tamps being vulnerable to getting your wallet stolen makes a hobo mug you
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  • #9
hobo muggings cause you not to be able to afford your morning coffee...
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  • #11
Being cranky all day makes you start spamming on WiiChat (apparently)...
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  • #13
Being banned would make you very bored and force you to find other things to do with your time...