The Post-Game Thread (now with moar games!)

I personally like the games, I'm kinda pooped out on ME right now so I'm not going to start playing the third one for a bit, but they're good in my opinion
Dead space 3 has 11 launch day DLC packs

DLC like this kills games.
Saints row 3 isn't much better. 9 DLCs in 1 month. Ridiculous.

Has anyone ever played a shin megani tensei game?
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Planetside 2 is awesome, once you find a cooperative group. It's very enjoyable to form a vehicular convoy and just destroy everything in your path.
No. That's not how things work.
I would quite like to play Mass Effect III, though, but I don't wanna spend money on I and II when I already have a billion other games to buy. Besides, I don't feel like playing my PS3 for anything other then Sly Cooper IV. And maybe RDR, which is only because Karpy keeps suggesting it.
I would quite like to play Mass Effect III, though, but I don't wanna spend money on I and II when I already have a billion other games to buy. Besides, I don't feel like playing my PS3 for anything other then Sly Cooper IV. And maybe RDR, which is only because Karpy keeps suggesting it.

No, that's still not how it works. It'd be like starting Xenoblade around the 80% mark after the Core events and saying you could just read an online summary for everything before. You can't do that.

To explain this further: You have to decide which party members will live. If and which character you want to start a relationship with. How you want to deal with friends and enemies. That can't be read in an online summary.

I do think RDR would be a good purchase for your PS3 solely on the basis of it being a western. A game called Ni No Kuni came out recently as well which JRPG veterans have been waiting for. And of course, the PSN store has Xenogears.
Oh, well that makes more sense then.

Argh, I guess I won't be playing Mass Effect for a while. That's a letdown.