Twilight Princessed


WiiChat Member
Dec 25, 2007
Hello gamers, I have had a Wii for a few months now and have become somewhat addicted to Twilight Princess. The game has gone well so far, but I have this little bump in the road with the entrance to an area that has 4 monsters. One is behind a force field and yes, I found the entry to it. I just havent figured out how to zap all 4 at once with the Circle of Death (as I call it). Now I think I am missing some skill since I have tried a bunch of ways to lure the other three near the shy one lurking on the other side of the field.

Am I on the right track just to keep trying to get them all near each other and hit them all at same time?

you dont have to kill them ALL at once, you just have to have two at the end.., in other words, you cant leave one alone.

Welcome to Wiichat! Call me Twizdid, Or Twiz. If you need any help, Feel free to PM me.
welcome to wario
what mushroomed said....kill the one that is outside and kill the other 3 and the same time