US cat 'predicts patient deaths'

My one cat meow meow she would sleep at my bed every night and make shure the bugie monster would not come and eat me. ok i was 3 then
your thinking :wtf: i know
my dog is afraidy cat......if im removing the magazine from a gun and racking the slide back to make sure i didnt leave a bullet in the chaimber, he freaks out and runs for the hills. my dog isnt mr bravery lol but he is very loyal and he may not make me feel "safe" but he is loveable if i dont feel well or if im upset
My cat is a dog

My cat thinks he ios a dog his name is jonise. :wtf: i know but he thinks he is a dog so we treat him like one
Bigjake52 said:
My cat thinks he ios a dog his name is jonise. :wtf: i know but he thinks he is a dog so we treat him like one

:wtf: my dog thinks he is a bird. he is consantly jumping out of the window only to break his legs at the bottom.
Wiired said:
Same. Should blatently tell blind people about the cats powers, then put like cat food in their laps to get 'im over :aureola:

tuna always works

in any event, i see why old people have 100000 cats now. it all makes sense to me


mushy_peas said:
:wtf: my dog thinks he is a bird. he is consantly jumping out of the window only to break his legs at the bottom.

is your dog trying to audition for the new "underdog" movie? lol

my dog thinks hes a cat....he rubs up against peoples legs and furnature all the time. he also likes it when you rub his tushy like a cat does :wtf:
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thers a person in mars cyty that has 300 cats all love peoepl

did i say she is crazy?
eh, not that amazing. aren't most people in nursing homes pretty close to death anyway? i say it's a coincidence. still, i would get pretty nervous if the cat started hanging out with me all the sudden.
surfinrach90 said:
Lol I was just thinking that.. the cats going to come up to somebody and their going to kill it shouting 'noo get away!'

LOL that makes me laugh just thinkin about it. :lol: But yea I would put a cat by a patient just to scare the crap outta them. :lol:
wiizorer said:
hehe it would be funny if all the patients died cause they were allergic to the cat
dude that's exactly what i was thinking.

hmm, old ppl die soon after cat snuggles up with them.

Dr. Kavorkian was pretty good at forseeing the elderly's death as well.....
wiizorer said:
hehe it would be funny if all the patients died cause they were allergic to the cat

LOL! Dude that would be funny as hell!

But still they didnt happen to tell us how many times its been wrong so this could still be complete BS!
I still say

Wonders if it can tell if im alive
Holy **** dude is he gonna rape that ****ing cat!? :shocked: PLEASE DONT RAPE THE KITTY!
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