Wasnt bad rep turned off??

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WiiChat Pwner ^^
Mar 17, 2007
A dimension of darkness...
Wii Online Code
Hey, I just went to my user cp, it had a RED rep, and the reason was asking for rep in sig! I was like, "what the??" so i went to my sig to take it out so i didnt get more bad rep. i go there, and its already gone! in its place, it said *no asking for rep in sig*
i was like, oookaaaay... and i got rid of it. it was obviously a mod, but,i thought bad rep was gone?!?!??!
guu... it ruined my reputation.. whoever did it, im sorry.
i was planning on taking it out anyway.
before i got the bad rep.
One, Yes bad reputation was taken away and the MODs can still give out bad reputation.

Two, leave all rep questions to the official Rep. query thread.
'Red Reputation Bars' can only be given by moderators. The feature has been disabled for regular members. The reason it was disabled is because that most people would abuse it and negative rep there enemies and vice versa. The system would have collapsed.
i recieved negative rep once for calling a game gay. "games have no gender" okay you picky asshole, its an expression lol. i wasnt too ticked off though, not untill i tried to give someone bad rep and found out i couldnt, he really deserved it too! but i forget why. haha

i hope the mod who gave me that doesnt see this and remember or ill probably get another one lol
Reputation shouldn't be taken so seriously, it's just a simple feature.

Begging or moaning will result in a warning by a staff member here, now please direct all reputation discussion in the rep. thread.
I actually like the theory behind reputation points. i actually use it in the fact that i give more credability to a post made by someone with 7 rep bars over someone with 1. now i know i have 1 and that doesnt necasarily mean that my posts are uncrediable, but im just saying i trust someones post more if they have more rep. the system of rep crumbles tho with people abusing the system and thinking rep means pretige in this forum or something. who the heck cares? anyways, the fact that mods can only give bad reputation leads to the idea that possibly they could only give good reputation too. the system wont be abused then, and the amount needed to get a bar could be reduced and i would know that the paticular person had actually been repped for posting something good, not just by asking their friends for rep. and ive read alot of posts saying to take out rep all together, i believe this way would be a good compromise.
If rep was to be removed, it would be revoked from both moderators and members. In too many cases, I have come across others asking others for rep for little to no reason. Also, not so long ago, rules were implemented to deal with those who "beg for rep". These methods include removing the messages from the signature and possibly giving negative rep. Also, to clear things up, mods can give both negative and positive. :)

If you have any further questions regarding reputation points, please refer to the Rep FAQ thread.
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