Web Browser/ WEP Questions


WiiChat Member
Nov 29, 2007
is it worth the five bucks??? because i have a laptop that works fine with internet and would rather save the money for something else...

mainly im asking if the browser adds something to do wii.:scared:

also, can anyone give me step by step instructions on how to change my routers' WEP???
its def worth! if yur playing a game and keep dying you can just instantly go there and get help (like if yur laptops dead)
I'd say it's totally worth it. Like what 'oxhaker' said. If there's something wrong with your laptop, or something.. You could have a back-up Wii Internet! :p
What do you mean "change my routers' WEP"? Are you talking about changing the WEP key? If so, it is very hardware specific, but the general steps are:

a) connect to your routers IP address via a web browser while connected to it (either via Wi-Fi or ethernet if it has both) - usually the IP will be or, but it could be something else
b) login to your router
c) find the WEP settings (maybe under security)
d) change 'em.

FWIW, WEP sucks as a secure connection and is easily hacked. Obviously only an issue if you have a) people around that might hack it b) data being transfered (passwords...ssn...etc) that you don't want others to know. WPA is much more secure if you have that option.