What are you looking foward to?

Oh come on, Prez.
You know you're looking forward to farts to the max too!

I'm looking forward to getting my debit card and setting up a damn paypal.
Celeste said:
- Being with my loveee

That's all I can really think of at the moment.

Oh, hearing from him. He's been MIA today.

Oh again, looking forward to whenever Britney Spears is okay.

Suppose I'm looking forward to quitting my job, as long as I have another one lined up because I need money for my frivolous designer trash.

I is here, no worries :D

What I am I looking forward to, well Brawl of course.
But first I am looking forward to getting No More Heroes (tomorrow?), perhaps sparking something up for Valentines Day, and a possible Chinese food dinner tomorrow.
idjut said:
ouch... :( did you cut a tendon?

I ripped one, and completely broke a finger, wrist damage, soft tissue damage. The finger that broke, the ligaments in the middle join shrunk and I can no longer bend it.
- Going to Spoons later (if I can finish my printing on time)
- Spending today with Jay
- Having a Chinese tonight
- Going to the hospital tomorrow see my aunty who had a stroke last week
- Next weeeek (free house all week)
- Mah birthday
- My sisters birthday
- What ever we're doing for her birthday =]
Damnit Brandon, you make me laugh all the time with that. xD


And spending my summer on MSN. Hoorah!
the club
final fantasy 7 : cc
god of war :coo
Ninja Gaiden 2

There's more but thats what I'm looking forward to the most right now.
- Hockey
- Work (Kinda) ($$$)
- Hanging out with friends
- Finishing my projects
- Getting this weekend over with
- Writers strike coming to an end
Nothing to look forward to. Never is.