What is your worst game ever played?

miiguy said:
Double Dragon, complete with one move, the back elbow. Terrible.

Rise of the robots was worse than Pit Fighter.

Yeah but to be fair - Pit Fighter was of it's time in the fact that 'photo realistic' graphics were still very new and the fighting was gory enough to be enjoyable! Looking back it was crap but in the day I whiled away a few hours on it...

Double dragon was just the same - good back in the day but oooh lordy now!!

Now Bruce Lee OR my all time fave, IK - the original, superb - I even still play them on emulation from time to time...Happy Days
Urm..... good q's. My worst game is Probly.... urm.... i think urm..... fcuk nose i've played more c*ap games then good ones!!?? I'll get back to ya!?!
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Dammit I'm just going to have to go with Superman 64. It was so terrible nothing compares to its sheer awfulness.
Seanbaby says it gets 9 out of 10 for realism because "This game exactly recreates the pain you'd feel if you really were Superman being tortured in a virtual world filled with radioactive poisonous gas."

I also would like to give an honorary mention to World Cup Italia 90.

(I also had a commodore 64 - its not fair to mention that though because every game on it was pretty much terrible.)
Well I sadly havent played Superman 64, sounds like a good experience. My worst game from memory is 'Mario Is Missing'. It was quite boring...
Gotta be

Gotta be The DOUBLE DRAGON streetfighter kinda game on megadrive and snes........what a waste of production even the jaguar version was whack:wtf: :wtf: :wtf:
sherwood3570 said:
I was so mad about a game called Bubba and Sticks for Sega Genesis back when I was a youngster. I actually thought Mario Kart for SNES sucked hardcore. I guess I still do, I think I would've liked it better on a handheld...Just to throw it out there...I never owned a SNES so maybe I just didn't give the appreciation the game deserves.

You are insane.

Mario Kart for SNES is a classic!
How I loved the battle multiplayer
adamkilla2002 said:
Gotta be The DOUBLE DRAGON streetfighter kinda game on megadrive and snes........what a waste of production even the jaguar version was whack:wtf: :wtf: :wtf:


You mean this
I found it to be quite good
Based on the film (a game based on a film that is based on the game PARADOX)
Or this
Double dragon 5

Or this

Speakin of Jaguar I got these plies'o'crap
Trevor McFur in the Crescent Galaxy - One of the worse 2D shooters ever
Kasumi Ninja - How do I do moves, sluggish controlls, mortal kombat wanabe
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wario2ooo said:
have u seen angry video game nerd on youtube dude, i agree with him

lol I love angry gamer. He always makes me laugh. hah, Seen the power glove episoide?

@Shoko, YES ET MUST ROT! that monster!
XwiimasturX said:
i have two least favorites.

Glover for the N64. i was little and i thought the box was cool. i was stupid. i hated that game.

Amazing Island for the Gamecube. my sister made the same mistake i did with the cover. lmao.

like brother, like sister i guess.

Glover was just terrible and I was little and thought the idea of a hand fumbling balls would be fun... How wrong I was.
Frogger said:
Glover was just terrible and I was little and thought the idea of a hand fumbling balls would be fun... How wrong I was.
oohhh glover.... used to play that loads, but smashed n64