what stuff are you getting with your wii? (uk)

Wii play, Zelda, Red Steel, 2x Classic Controllers, 2x wiimotes + nunchuks.
I made the mistake of putting too much money on my wii prepay card so with the money I have left I'll get some virtual points, maybe another game if I see one I like.
Super Monkey Ball
Rayman Raving Rabbids
Wii Play - If Wii Play is not in then just the remote on its own
Most likely some Virtual Console games as well. Will just buy them straight online though, wont buy a points card.

Edit: Total cost will be about 330 quid (including deductions from pre-order)
People, you should learn your lesson from the reviews and words of other members about Red Steel. Don't get that game. From the hands-on of Farcry, it's looking to be better than Red Steel as far as controls go.

And I don't think anybody answered the original question about how many points are on the card, in America it's 2000 points.
I'm just getting the Wii and Zelda on launch. Then I'm getting wiiplay for the free wiimote before Christmas and I'm asking for Far Cry, Supermonkeyball and Red Steel for Crimbo as well as a nunchuck.
by the end of december hopefuly

wii console
wii play
nfs carbon
extra wii mote + nunchuk
SD card 2 gig
RGB Lead (hopefully)
Ethernet Kit (hopefully if released in decemember)

will get 2 classic contollers when i have time to play vc classics or any classic controlled wii games are out
For me Red Steel was pre-ordered and paid for before all the reviews come out. Might as well get it now. I might pick up Far Cry for a Christmas present to myself :D
i'm getting the Wii + Wii sports and red steel...hopefully for crimbo i'll get NFS and another game...but i want 360 games more...ah **** i hate all these consoles