Whats your favorite Anime Song???

Tails McCloud~ said:
Likes the pillows

I has there newest album

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Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!

Tis a good un
(better than what most of these so-called rock bands are churring)
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thanx guys..im not a hardcore anime guy..but i like some cartoons if i like them... well my second anime song is from dragonballZ...the firt opening..its catchy toon...
Its not anime, but im completely addicted to Stone Temple Pilots: Sex Type Thing.
God, I love old rock.:cornut: :cornut: :cornut:
This kicks ass too!

Bleach Opening 3 - Ichirin no Hana - High and Might

Probably the best damn opening in anime history :wink:
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ssbb_lover said:
DMC Opening is a bit boring, Cpt...:/

No it isn't, I love it:lol:

Um I found the game yesterday for £7 so quite happy:)
Cpt.McCloud said:
No it isn't, I love it:lol:

Um I found the game yesterday for £7 so quite happy:)
Congrats on the purchase. I personally think that DMC 1 and 3 are excellent. I didn't like DMC 2 that much. I hope you enjoy the game.
Byuakuya said:
Congrats on the purchase. I personally think that DMC 1 and 3 are excellent. I didn't like DMC 2 that much. I hope you enjoy the game.

From what I have seen each 'enemy' looks hard to kill. . . I am dreading the bosses, I havn't played so I will probably play soon.

It took my ages to find this game for cheap:lol:

Anyways, we better get back on topic