What's your gender and sexuality?

Straight Male

hehehehe. :devil:

:lol: Jk

Wait, that can be taken wrong... lol
The JK was about the devil thing...
I really am straight. lol
male straight

huh whys their so many bis and gays i though their would only be like 2 in this whole forum...and LLE JARRATS A BI!!!!!
it's copying his name if you cant spell that your a dumbass.
:ee5k: Oh well rude. Is his name even English though? I mean really.
True, it's not THAT hard (and yet I still think I mis-spelled it... lol) although a lot of people on forums are just too lazy and don't really care... So regardless people are going to spell it wrong. People spell Steel-Froggy wrong all the time!

Edit 2: Besides, even if I did spell it wrong, at least I know how to type.
Do it with me. Hold shift, and now a letter.
Step 2: (This is going to be tricky) Push the . button. It's a little down and right from the L.)
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An argument over me, wow. That was entertaining to read lol