What's Your Middle Name?

blankconnection said:
Hell no, Brown can kiss my ass, My parents believe in it and now they are paranoid about it or something


It's a fictitious novel.
What really pisses me off about the whole Da Vinci Code stuff is all those documentaries made about it just to prove how wrong it was..

I mean for Christ sake!

He never said this stuff is actually real!

Like Frogger said, it's a fictitious novel!
bubba-ga-nush said:
hmm back on topic. My middle name is louise. Don't care much for it. But my full name is Travis Louis Pudar.

I was going to say I didn't know you were a girl xD... LouisE eh?
I do not have one
For my father was a **** so I have disowned his name
blankconnection said:
Hell no, Brown can kiss my ass, My parents believe in it and now they are paranoid about it or something

Oh, so you were kidding when you stated the comment before?

If so, haha? :wtf:
Lol, 2 names dillon? lucky

you might actually have a "naughty" word other than arse in that way.

Edit: 2100 posts.
*Sniffel*....My...middle name is.....Lasagna...........(It's actually Marcus.....I do not like it.)
Dale, like Chip 'N Dale (or the dancers...ahem). Actually, my middle name is derived from my Grandpa Dale.
Graham Patrick Fitzgerald.
That would my full name.
Patrick obviously being my middle name.