"Which Game Should I Get?" FAQ

1.) Super Mario Galaxy
2.) Twilight Princess
3.) Guitar Hero 3
4.) Medal of Honor: Heroes 2
5.) Metroid Prime 3
Hi, I'm hoping i'm using this thread as it was intended, but does anybody have information on Final fantasy enough to vote?
dunno if cod4 will be coming to the wii at all...sad, i know =/
1.Legend of Zelda Twiglight Princess
2.Metroid Prime 3
3.Super Mario Galaxy
4.medal of honor heroes 2
should i wait like a good little boy for house of the dead 2 + 3 to come out?

or...should i just screw it and go with umbrella chronicles?
if anyone out there is spiderman fan and has always dreamed of having spiderman powers(i know i have), spiderman 3 is the game to get. with the flick of you wii remote you shoot webs and swing by using the wiimote and nunchuk. its awesome as hell. also to anyone who has a shooting game that requires the wiimote and nunchuk, i highly suggest getting a piece that is similiar to the wii zapper that you put the remotes in to act like a gun. i use it for COD3 and it works great it makes it a lot easier and more fun. also SMG and guitar hero.
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