Why the hell are 'Motes so pricy?


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Nov 20, 2006
Warrington - UK
I was looking at the prices and they are awful, I mean you do not even get a nunchuka with one.

I mean I will pay it as I have no choice but I was shocked to see the price larger than a price of a game for the 'mote and 'chuck.
I know what you mean. I thought maybe that the Wii-mote may cost £20 and a Nunchuck would be £10, I was quite surprised to see the Wii-mote was actually £30 and the Nunchuck was £15
Silent-Sniper said:
I know, I mea jesus they are making enough money as it is, all the other prices are fine but man that's a let down.

1) the system is brand new

2) there are no third party ones out yet to make the prices drop

3) the wiimote is more complicated than prior controllers.

Pretty obvious why no?
Well, I am sure they knew that they had to make some good money somewhere, so why not the controllers? Also, there not games, so you know you only have to buy 4.
buy wii play when it comes out (at least in the UK it comes bundled witha wiimote) :)
Well.. really when you think about it they aren't compared to other consoles. The Wiimote is MUCH MORE advanced than regular controllers. The XBox 360's are $50 wireless. The wiimote and nunchuck have motion sensors. It's a lot more advanced, so really they aren't. Atleast compared to other consoles.
Wow, i didnt know the xbox360 ones were that expensive. But everything seems expensive to me because i dont have any money now
Silent-Sniper said:
Hmm I didn't really want to get Wii Play but I may as well, does it come out on launch?
I belive it does for you British people. We get it January 17th I believe.
Uh well in the US it comes out January 15th and it comes with a wiimote.
It comes witht eh WiiMote because it will probably be not that great, just like GT Pro Series, it came with a steering wheel because the graphics were bad :(