Why was ABC Banned?

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he was banned for PM soliciting (w/e that is). i liked him but he didnt follow the rules so he got banned.
well he deserved it!
he should have gotten banned a long time ago
So ABC is banned...

Somehow I'm not surprised, he was very audacious towards anyone who didn't agree with him, and there was no way I could agree with his stance on Iraq, or his political beliefs, or for that matter anything related to the "War on Terror" that he believed in; we have clashed on more than one occasion.

Additionally, he had a rather.... unusual sense of humour, which was apparently based on belittling everybody around him with his condescending attitude, nor did he show enough respect towards any of his co posters.

Reception of his banning is understandably somewhat mixed in responses... Some people are glad to see him go, and others wish he was still around. Me however... Although we got off to a rocky start, I still felt uneasy even after things cleared up, but I can understand why he's been banned, and why it's in the interest of the majority here.

With forums, or chat, or any form of human contact, really, you need a degree of open-mindedness, and he just seemed too deeply entrenched in his own ideas to accept anyone elses; an attitude like that is soon to get someone banned.
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