wii 24 connect heat


WiiChat Member
Jul 15, 2007
I use connect 24 and i find MY Wii gets a little hot.I got a cooling fan but then found out that Nintendo frowns on that kind of thing.I think the problem that Nintendo has is that them fans plug into the Wii and leach power from the Wii.So can anyone tell me of a cooling fan that is independently powered and is durable enough to stay on with connect 24?Because the NYKO one i had quit on me.
most people leave connect 24 on.
overheating is not a common problems for the wii
but what ever lets you sleep at night ;)
My Wii gets a little warm, but I can't see it becoming a problem. As Skippy says, you shouldn't need a fan if your Wii is in a well ventilated room.
I just turn it off as it doesn't offer anything at the moment. When the system turns on it will connect for me. There was a power compairson at one point in time and with the WiiConnect 24 on it drains a pretty good amount of electricity compare to all other game systems.