Wii Internet, and what it's missing


WiiChat Member
Nov 6, 2007
ok, idk if there is a thread like this or not, im new...

anyway, am i the only one kinda pissed off that the Opera browser on the wii doesnt have an updated flash player installed? and also it pisses me off that the virtual memory is sooo damn low on it.

are you also pissed off about these things? and do you think nintendo will fix this soon?
The Flash version is limited by Adobe. They have not yet released an updated Flash SDK for use by embedded browser developers.
im rather annoyed, but not all that much, i only use it when my mom is using her computer. if she isnt i'd rather be on her labtop so i can watch videos,and other stuff too.i dont think nintendo will fix it soon. they could but i really dont know>.>
One of the many reasons that letting companies like Adobe hold the internet hostage with closed technology like Flash is a Bad Thing. You basically hand over the keys to the internet to some big corp and they get to decide who can get on, and who can't, simply based upon who they can be bothered to produce plugins for. Unlike open technology and standards, where any sufficiently-large interest group can take it upon themselves to make it happen.

Microsoft tried (and continues to try) with Internet Explorer. And now Adobe is succeeding with Flash. I've ranted many times over the years about it, but it fell of deaf ears because all the Windows/IE users were fine as they were and could care less if some non-Windows-technology wasn't supported. I told them, "More and more devices coming out are getting online and not running Windows", but they didn't listen.

Now some of them are getting Linux smartphones and Opera-running Wiis. And all I can say is: "I told you so".