Wii pricedrop?

Wait, how much money did you pay for the Wii?
I paid like 350 although it says 199.99 on the box...
I was dying to have one so I just bought it in Amazon.
Was I stupid? (I'm regretting A LOT......What a waste of money.. I had to suffer from lack of money that month)
the wii, doesnt need a price drop, its already cheap. they will only drop the price when sales go down, but by then everyone will have one anyway.
i think people will agree £180(250$) is a good price for a magical nintendo box
FWELR said:
k, a little stereotypical, but seeing as how Ninty actually makes money when they sell a console and its still sold-out everywhere, it doesnt matter what the other consoles are priced at, Ninty isnt gonna drop the Wiis price.

bottom line.

Stereotypes are often based off truths.