Wii Sports - Pro

Pro in Tennis, Baseball, and Bowling (Golf games take too long and Boxing is crap)...

My favorite is Tennis but gets pretty easy (2100+ points). To spice it up I created a left-handed Mii and play with a Wiimote in both hands (doubles against the Wii).

It adds a little spice to the mix (still rather easy once you get used to it). Looking forward to a more complete tennis game :)
Wiivolutionary! said:
I hate the golf. I never even tried the third training stage for it.
if u dont do it right the poor response ruins ur life but once u figure it out it's quite fun
i got a -6 for the course, that's my best so far
All this is well and good, but how are the points calculated, whether you go up or down in bowling.

Ironmike512 said:
All this is well and good, but how are the points calculated, whether you go up or down in bowling.


It does ur Average, then - or + if ur above or below it.