Wii Success May Lead to Cheaper Next-Gen

Douten said:
I just played it this morning! (in widgets) : )

After reading some of Sovieto I can see you prefer 360 over Wii, but why bash some people who post in the thread? The reason why you start attacking is because you misread the message of fun > graphic, that doesn't mean omg Wii (fun) > 360 (graphic). Beyond that is just purely personal opinion of what fun is to certain people. Me? I still play Wii Sports even after owning the Wii for two months now, it's still as fun as the first time I've played it : )
its the internets
i am anonymous to you
therefore i feel bigger and badder
so i bash everything that moves!

no jk but fun > graphics sounds just like the whole gameplay > graphics which what i saw it as, which is where my argument is valid.

@bliss and logan...
lol guys. you pick my posts for your own personal amusement? i cant take people calling each other out about their social lives on the internet seriously. because, were all on the internet rihgt now, and being the internet we can lie about whatever so it doesnt even matter what were like in real life cause what does matter is that were all here, right now.
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GigaRidley said:
Even if the next-gen systems try following in the wii's footsteps, Nintendo will do it best, they've already proven that they're the masters of innovation. I can see Microsoft staying firmly in their Shooter/moderately expensive niche and still doing pretty well; Sony might try to butt in on Nintendo's market. Bad idea for Sony, because people will probably still buy the nintendo product due to their signature characters.

I read that Sony has a Wii knock off attachment ready for the PS2...motion sensor and everything
Well Nintendo isn't going anywhere, They have always been the cheapest system on the market since the NES.

The real question is who is going to come to share the Nintendo's market? Sony and Microsoft have been going by the concept of the niche "hardcore" gamers since they came onto the market. They always come out as the most top of the line system, even though they might not have stayed top of the line for the whole run "PS2 vs. GC/Xbox." It has still always been what they try to achieve each time.

So far in console history the casual gamers "that have always been around its not just a new crowd" have picked the more openly accepted system each time and jumped on the "popular" bandwagon. It had nothing to do with hardware specs or overall game selection, but the popularity of each console and the popularity of each game like with PS2 last round even though it ended up being the technically inferior system it had the "pop" games and the install base to stay number 1.

Now with the Wii they get the Nintendo hardcore like expected with any console, plus this new crowd of New-gamers that haven't touched a console in years, if ever, and jump right into the user friendly control system of the Wii-mote.
Now although they may not have the best 3rd party support or a long enough list of 1st party to keep most hardcore gamers occupied, because of the overall success and popularity with the majority, it automatically becomes the casual gamers console as well. They simply follow the biggest market, thats the way its always worked.

As the casual gamers move towards the new Pop console the numbers now fall off of the previous Pop console "PS2". So now Sony and Microsoft are competing for solely the niche "top of the line" crowd and there is not enough "hardcore" to back up the huge expense of doing so between 2 systems.
One of them will have to back down and try to support a more casual market in order to survive.
So far it seems like Sony is going after this role with the more casual ideas like peripherals with Buzz,Eye-toy ect. ect. And Sony is the ones that took the biggest hit so far losing the casual gamers, moving from the PS2 to the Wii it seems, so they really want at least the number 2 slot back to get them close to what they are use to profit wise. Although keeping the PS2 around for so long has helped them get through it I'm sure, it's not something that will help them next round.
Sony will have to make a more widely accepted and obtainable system "cost wise" if they want to stick around any longer in gaming and make any type of profit.

Xbox is doing fine with it's niche group and is selling as well as it did last round, although they seem to be panning out now.
What they really need to do is concentrate on the "hardcore" addictive genres like RPG,FPS,Action:adventure ect ect. games that have, all be it smaller, very dedicated followings. This will put them in the area they need to be to hold the niche market. Make them exclusive, or make them better and you will keep the "hardcore" coming back to you. It's still not a market that will let them really grow or ever be number 1, but it is a market that will keep Microsoft looking like a leader in gaming and making a profit no matter what sales number are.

Thats my take on it so far, the way I see it playing out based on the directions it has gone so far.

Sorry for the book. :lol: :wink: :lol:
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Wii's motionsensing isnt even new technology..

anyone remember the snes powerglove?

They just got the formula for fun right with this console.

perhaps we'll see the bleeding egde in games return to the pc and the consoles return to just being fun?

Though I hope they also keep withthe trend of integrated media centers as well.. like the bluray player in the ps3, and web browsing and media streaming etc.. add a HD DTV reciever and then it becomes so all purpose.
sremick said:
In other words: fun > graphics

Users have been saying this for years. Just took Nintendo to prove it to the MSM.

im sorry but next gen we will not have 3 wii-like consoles. theres too many serious gamers to let that happen. id stick with 360/ps3 if that happened anyways. im not going to pay 300 dollars for a console that can do what my 2 can do now just cause it was cheaper for sony/microsoft lol.
SensesFail said:

im sorry but next gen we will not have 3 wii-like consoles. theres too many serious gamers to let that happen. id stick with 360/ps3 if that happened anyways. im not going to pay 300 dollars for a console that can do what my 2 can do now just cause it was cheaper for sony/microsoft lol.

IMO, it's impossible for graphics to equal fun because if it were a game with just nice graphics and lame gameplay, how fun would it be then?

Unless you just mean that better graphics for a good gameplay game would be better than a good gameplay game with crappy graphics.

I doubt Sony or Microsoft will ever stop trying to be the most powerful system hardware wise. Even though prices are going up, it won't really matter to them.
SensesFail said:
Wow, another person doesn't read the thread and gets it totally wrong.

Read my response to Sovieto on page 1 of this thread.

I'm not saying graphics aren't fun. I'm not saying good graphics don't improve a game. I'm saying that fun is more important than graphics. A fun game can succeed with bad graphics. A bad graphics game can't succeed without fun. There are numerous examples for both versions of that.

im sorry but next gen we will not have 3 wii-like consoles.
"Wii-like" in what way? What do you mean by "next gen"? On the same level of horsepower? Of course not. Technology improves, just as the Wii is more than the Gamecube. If you mean "next gen" as in "what technology can offer", then again, of course not. There'll always be someone like Sony trying to push some elite system using state-of-the-art hardware at an extreme price. But "next gen" isn't what's important. The next "ridiculously-successful" console is. And as has been proven time and time again (recently with the Wii), you don't need to have the best cutting-edge technology to be successful. You need to get the whole package-deal right. And part of that package is hitting a certain magical price-point and balance, which is impossible with top-of-the-line hardware.
In response to Sovieto's trampoline analogy. Very clever and thought out analogy, which does hold some water, but there are also a few inherant weaknesses. To begin on day one Wii with Wii sports is exactly like a trampoline, and your analogy fits perfectly, where it falls flat is the wii's ability to change it's style of fun wheras the trampoline stays the same. You can always buy additional games, both new and old to develop different styles of fun on the wii, wheras your trampoline will always be the same. The wii does have a catalogue of verying games, and no matter how much people complain about the limitations of games, it's ludicrous to overlook the fact that we're still fairly young in its development, and we already have an entire array of very good games. I may have had to wait a year for a legitamate baseball game, but I finally got one in 2k8. Others may have to wait longer for their desires, but they most likely will come. What does make the wii special is that it will always have that fallback of generally always fun games. The basic games always will be fun specifically with lots of people around and in social settings. That alone makes the wii trump many consoles.
After reading what most people have posted, i can see this is turning out to be an interesting discussion. However at the end of the day IMO it all comes down to what u like better the PS3, Wii, or 360 simple as that.
The game rules:

1. A delayed game is eventually good...or released, a bad game is bad forever.
2. Graphics enhance, not mask.
3. Technology counts, physics, AI, levels, and graphics rely on it.
4. Games are made by sandwiching fun between art and tech.