WiiChat Shipping Thread

Well, if Nick and Petalstorm have a shipping group because they're a couple.

Do you have an idea for our Shipping group's name?
We're beyond that level, bro. :lol: Beyond the point of no return.

By Immortal Technique.
I feel like Nick and I need our own Pony Shipping.

[STRIKE]Ain't you forgetting someone on this whole "ponyfag" shipping thing?[/STRIKE]

I need to think of a good one now that i've gotten myself included in that...
Wow, I didn't realize you were a ponyfag. My bad.

Not surprising really seeing as I stopped having avatars related to it (and talking about it) after something like Episode 10 in Season 1.

I was thinking of getting the "YelloBabyRat" shipping renamed to something more appropriate to something like "Brochu shipping" but that's short and somewhat boring.
BrochuShipping? It'l be a wondrous three way ship, just like SeaMenShipping (also known as IncestualGuruShipping).
BrochuShipping? It'l be a wondrous three way ship, just like SeaMenShipping (also known as IncestualGuruShipping).

Yeah I guess so, Brochu shipping actually doesn't sound that bad now that you mentioned it.
Someone (MR, Fraz...) make it happen, I'm too lazy t' engage in comical gay jokes at the moment.