You Already Have It!


WiiChat Member
Mar 24, 2011
on the planet
(I read this from a guy on the official black ops forums. I have nothing to do with this. Im just sharing info i that i heard recently.)

Apparently you already have the First Strike DLC. How you ask? Well, that pay and play file has all the maps loaded onto it. It's unable to be used however. Treyarch has to activate it. Possibly for approval or something. Check it out urself if u want. Put the pay and play file on a sd card and put it in ur computer and u'll see it. It's nice to know that treyarch are still doing something for us!!
1. This is old news and a hacker by the name of "Zeek" good friend of mine
checked this out back in the 3-15-11 patch or w/e

I myself have checked this and it isn't really first strike in the pay and play patch
its just the loading images for certain zombie maps etc.

2. Do not believe what those beyond retarded folk at the COD forums wii section say. These people are wayy to butt hurt over no DLC and will spam, troll, anyone who makes a dlc thread and or has a secondary console besides their wii and will flame/troll you for being a "traitor" which i find to be very LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!

3. Be patient and just hope that we will get DLC soon-ish
grab the conduit 2 in the meantime while black ops wii dlc comes out for us wii gamers

4. Maps aren't that great after playing for a while [the first strike maps] yes I own the map pack on my ps3 but anxiously await for the map pack on my wii to game with my budss.

5. Ascension is the only map that doesn't get boring no matter how much you play it