Your favourite car games


Gran Turismo
Jan 3, 2007
Wii Online Code
O.k if you dont have a games console in front of you want do you play?

Here is a couple of mine:
you ask your friend about a situation e.g what if there was this girl you really liked but i was already going out with her.Would you go crazy?
life lasting:2Hours

I spy:
i think everyone knows this one!
lasting life:30 MIN

How do you like your...........:
anyone in u.k remember the tropicana ad with the song "how do you like your eggs in the morning?
its basically the same except you change the words so it would be like
"how do you like your wii in the morning?
and the other replies"i like mine beside excite truck"
lasting life: 20min

Rock paper siccsors attack:
play rock paper scissors as normal but get two items a sheild like item (e.g:pillow) and a hammer like weapon (e.g shoe).If you win rock paper scissors you have got to grab the shoe and thump your opponent with it b4 he grabs the sheild and blocks.
lasting life:1h 30m

what are your favourites?
got it on my gba
Also bomberman
classy wifi
Lol yeah I read the title and thought of racing games, but I'm not sure, I allways had a gameboy or ds or something to play..or usually just a tape/cd/mp3 player to listen too.. now I gotta dvd player to watch so..
Got one more
That jem game on my phone ease away the hours by geting two balls of the same color to tuoch
wow i was going to say Gran Turismo but i see its not the correct reply.
if thats the case then i like to stick my head out the window and see how many bugs i can catch in my mouth before i get out of the car.lasting life: until destination is reached.:lol:
You need a big car for it
yellow car- when someone sees a yello car they shout out yellow car and who ever calls it gets a poind (someone else has to see it for it to count) at the end of the trip whoever has the most wins
Slug Bug. Anytime you see a VW bug you yell Slugbug then punch the person next to you.

Alphabet game for really long trips. You look for words on signs or buildings with the letter A. Once you get that you look for a letter with a B and so on. Whoever gets to Z wins.