zelda dungeons

Right so your asking someone to just complete the games for you basically? WTF! Why did you buy zelda if you just going to give up and ask someone to tell you every inch of the game!! There is more the one dungeons so you might aswel not have bought the game if you can play it without being challenged properly and taking the easy way out...CHALLENGE yourself lol :D
Well if i were to sit here and type in all of this I would probabbly waste most of today and tommorow doing so if you want help you have to be a little wait a lot more specific however first of all check the help thread and search to make sure your question hasn't already been answered.
Or better yet, don't bother with internet guides and try beating the dungeons yourself. I learnt the hard way and as a result I feel alot more satisfied in beating a dungeon in comparison to using a guide to beat 5 dungeons. I have not used any guide to get through Twilight Princess, but for some zelda games, I had and I didn't feel as satisfied. I felt like I had cheated myself...

See the difference and don't give up, especially if it gets too hard for you!
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