2010 - Best Year for the Wii (so far)


The Shoke
Mar 30, 2007
Dallas, Texas
Wii Online Code
This is without a doubt, hands-down, the best year for the Wii. You could go ahead and say it's the best year for all the systems really, because so many great exclusives are coming out. PS3 has God of War III, GT5, Heavy Rain, White Knight Chronicles, etc, 360 has Halo Reach, Crackdown 2, Alan Wake, etc.

Here's why this is the best year for the Wii:

Super Mario Galaxy 2
Metroid Other M
Zelda Wii
Pikmin 3 (?)
No More Heroes 2
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom
Tales of Graces
Red Steel 2
Monster Hunter 3
Sin and Punishment 2
Endless ocean 2
The Grinder
Arc Rise Fantasia
Sky Crawlers
Project Sora (?)

Which ones are you most excited for? For me, it has to be NMH2, MH3, and Metroid Other M.
well, we won't know if its the best until those games come out and we get to play them.
btw: TvC came out in japan last year, it's just we're now getting the NA release.

but i am excited for Metroid Other M, the new Zelda title and Galaxy 2
extra characters. thats the only difference

There might be more, but I don't look too deep into this game. I mean it looks great but I already have Brawl which is my favorite game of ALL TIME. I don't have enough free time to play another fighter.
extra characters. thats the only difference

Wrong. Tatsunoko vs Capcom also has online play, something that wasn't in the original Japanese release. It apparently has better balancing between characters and changes to some combos too. The new version is also being rereleased in Japan as the original cannot be updated to include the new features.

The Japan release dates don't make games any less great anyway, a lot of the games release first in Japan (I think 7 are already out and Skycrawlers in particular was out ages ago).

I'm looking forward to a lot of those titles and most of them will be likely purchases but the ones that excite me the most are:

Tatsunoko vs Capcom
Endless Ocean 2
Monster Hunter 3
Sin and Punishment 2
Arc Rise Fantasia
Metroid Other M
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Zelda Wii
Tales of Graces
Sin and Punishment 2
Arc Rise Fantasia
Sky Crawlers
Project Sora (?)
Never heard of.

A lot of sequels on the list...

Tales of Graces - an RPG and the 12th main title in the Tales series (some of the past games are Tales of Symphonia -NGC and Tales of Vesperia - 360/PS3). It scored 36/40 in Famitsu (Japanese review magazine).

Sin and Punishment 2 - an 'on-rails' shooter similar to Starfox in that you can move your character around. The first game was on the N64 and is available on the VC. It scored 31/40 in Famitsu.

Arc Rise Fantasia - a traditional turn based JRPG involving dragons and warships. It scored 32/40 in Famitsu.

Sky Crawlers - an action flight game by the makers of Ace Combat. Based on an anime series about children fighting to the death in staged wars. It scored 32/40 in Famitsu and 8/10 recently on IGN.

Project Sora? - I've no clue.

Fragile - another Japanese RPG that is titled Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon for its western release. Heavy on character story and exploration it the kind of game that you'll either love or hate. It scored 31/40 in Famitsu.

I'm sure that you can find lots more information on these games if you search for them but by what we've seen and by the Japanese reviews so far they all look to be good games. It is great that there are a fair few RPGs coming, as that was rather a weak area for the Wii.

Unfortunately like many of the best Wii games they probably wont sell a lot.
S&P, Arc Rise, Sky Crawlers are now on my wishlist.

Thank you for your fast reply, dear friend.
This is without a doubt, hands-down, the best year for the Wii. You could go ahead and say it's the best year for all the systems really, because so many great exclusives are coming out. PS3 has God of War III, GT5, Heavy Rain, White Knight Chronicles, etc, 360 has Halo Reach, Crackdown 2, Alan Wake, etc.

Here's why this is the best year for the Wii:

Super Mario Galaxy 2
Metroid Other M
Zelda Wii
Pikmin 3 (?)
No More Heroes 2
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom
Tales of Graces
Red Steel 2
Monster Hunter 3
Sin and Punishment 2
Endless ocean 2
The Grinder
Arc Rise Fantasia
Sky Crawlers
Project Sora (?)
Epic Mickey

Which ones are you most excited for? For me, it has to be NMH2, MH3, and Metroid Other M.


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