The Shoke
This is without a doubt, hands-down, the best year for the Wii. You could go ahead and say it's the best year for all the systems really, because so many great exclusives are coming out. PS3 has God of War III, GT5, Heavy Rain, White Knight Chronicles, etc, 360 has Halo Reach, Crackdown 2, Alan Wake, etc.
Here's why this is the best year for the Wii:
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Metroid Other M
Zelda Wii
Pikmin 3 (?)
No More Heroes 2
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom
Tales of Graces
Red Steel 2
Monster Hunter 3
Sin and Punishment 2
Endless ocean 2
The Grinder
Arc Rise Fantasia
Sky Crawlers
Project Sora (?)
Which ones are you most excited for? For me, it has to be NMH2, MH3, and Metroid Other M.
Here's why this is the best year for the Wii:
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Metroid Other M
Zelda Wii
Pikmin 3 (?)
No More Heroes 2
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom
Tales of Graces
Red Steel 2
Monster Hunter 3
Sin and Punishment 2
Endless ocean 2
The Grinder
Arc Rise Fantasia
Sky Crawlers
Project Sora (?)
Which ones are you most excited for? For me, it has to be NMH2, MH3, and Metroid Other M.