8th Generation gaming systems - What do you want to see?


Sep 17, 2006
Perth, WA
I've thought of a few cool things that i want to see in 8th generation gaming system (Wii, 360 and PS3 are 7th generation). It's all about virtual reality....

1........Full body motion suit. The system will pickup all movement by the wearing to the point of an erection or goosebumps. This suit would also give physical force feedback. For example if there was a martial arts game and somebody bent your arm back the suit could forcefully bend your arm back. I'm pretty sure such technology is possible in the near future.

2a........Virtual reality glasses. Instead of watching on a tv virtual reality glasses would be worn.

2b........A virtual screeen room where the player is in a dome shape room with screens all around them. Although an extremely expensive option maybe this could be done in shopping centres or internet cafe type shops. (this is probably a 10th generation thing really...)

3........Some sort of way to walk, run and jump around physically without moving from one spot. Like a 3 Dementional treadmill.

I know that this sort of thing is probably a long way off but this is my dream list. What's yours?

Note: I say system not console.
8th generation consoles.... um... how bout, you put your hand on the console and everything gets transmitted to your brain, Your brain acts as the processor and stuff so its like a dream kind of. Anyway, im gone posting for the day, cya guys tommorow
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m7ticalm said:
8th generation consoles.... um... how bout, you put your hand on the console and everything gets transmitted to your brain, Your brain acts as the processor and stuff so its like a dream kind of. Anyway, im gone posting for the day, cya guys tommorow

Cya later buddy. Btw wouldn't doing that kind of defy the whole point of 'playing' a game lol?

TV just turned 50! Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin rule!
Who cares about 8th gen (well for now anyway) I want the 7th gen nintendo console... also known as the wii
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deity_link said:
Who cares about 8th gen (well for now anyway) I want the 7th gen nintendo console... also known as the wii

I care lol. If we start throwing our ideas towards Nintendo now we can totally knock Sony of their perch!
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NeMeZyZ said:
yea. like they realy gonna listen to YOU c'mon man be for real just enjoy this generation and wait for the next

Hah! You just wait. I'll be kicking some ass with my body motion feedback suit and you'll say wow that kid was right!:arf:
from star trek

but any way
1s been done not fully on the market to expensive
2a has been done and for the home (Nintendos forgoten child the Virtual boy)
2b If your wareing a head set you wont see all the screens the vr macheains I played on had motion sensers so when my head moved so did the playing feld

Edit : i0n said the holodeck thing before I finished
This is like, 14th generation :p...2078!! I will be a bit old then though :(
And there will be little land
Like water world (only not (rap)
I do not want to see anything more advanced. I think we should start to live the real life, not to sound like one of those &!"# (You know what i mean). But the idea of videogames is to, maybe, feel like you're climbing a mountain, when you're actually only sitting with a wiimote in your hand. Cause if you had to do the real thing, virtually, you could just climb a real mountain, which is also much more healthy. Conclusion is, that m7ticalm actually has the best idea! :)

Just my opinion!
omg guys i went through hell making an account here just to say i sold my wii and sold all my games exeprt 3 so far for a 360 and im gonna buy one soon the wii got boring i habve no idea what u guys are all thinking wii wii wii omg the new next gen gaming is natal for xbox360 look up project natal meet milo on youtube

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