A glimpse of Tales of Symphonia: Knight of Ratatosk’s combat system


Let There Be Rock
Oct 24, 2007
Wii Online Code
Tales of Symphonia: Knight of Ratatosk uses an evolved version of the Flexible Range Linear Motion Battle System and it includes some form of motion control. Maybe not as much as one would imagine because you still move your character with the analog stick, press the A button to attack and hit the B button to do TP draining special attacks. Motion control is used as a shortcut input system to quickly activate special moves. Namco Bandai doesn’t outline any details about what kinds of motions would be used, but I doubt Tales of Symphonia: Knight of Ratatosk will atomize every technique into actions players can mimic. The term shortcut implies simple controls like a linear slash and similar easy to use motions to keep with the fluid pace of combat.

Just a side note, I heard they were cutting down on Wii gimmicks to *gasp* make the game look good.

Good call I say. Hardcore RPGers don't need crazy waggle.
I'm excited to a level that i have never been in before. I love the Tales series. I've gone so far as to buy a PSP to play Tales of the World. My life is a bit boring at times but not when I'm playing a Tales game. I hope and I know that TOS: DAwn of the New World is going to be amazing. I can't wait
Yay, Waggle Free! No more pointless motion controls needed. The only times I think tru motion controls are more fun are when its for like a puzzle type thing. Like if you need to unluck a chest and they do some kind of motion control thing.

So this game is in real-time? I wonder how long it will be. If its long enough gameplay ill get this.
T3kNi9e said:
Yay, Waggle Free! No more pointless motion controls needed. The only times I think tru motion controls are more fun are when its for like a puzzle type thing. Like if you need to unluck a chest and they do some kind of motion control thing.

So this game is in real-time? I wonder how long it will be. If its long enough gameplay ill get this.
And shooting games, metroid and medal of honor ftw
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also because of minimum motion control, the game will have quite nice grafx

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