all PARENTS are welcome to join Team MP! (Mamas and Papas)

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WiiChat Member
Mar 17, 2009
A little about myself... I am 28 years old and when I am not working and taking care of my daughter I like to play a little COD:WAW. I find this to be a better outlet than say, going out and drinking or partying, etc.

I am a member of a group called Team MP (Mamas and Papas). We are more casual than hardcore as far as gaming goes. We have over 25 members and there seems to always be somebody online to play with. We have a lot of fun, too. We also have our own forum where we talk about gaming, life and anything else we want to talk about.

So if you have a life outside of playing video games like myself and want to exchange FCs with people just like you, you can visit [Link Removed] and network with us. By the way, we also exchange FCs for other games such as Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros....
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For someone advertising a clan about parents, you seem... odd one out. If you havn't read the rules, I recommend doing so, as advertising is strictly against the rules, external clan discussion and advertising is also against the rules. Sorry, you'll have to take this somewhere else.
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For someone advertising a clan about parents, you seem... odd one out. If you havn't read the rules, I recommend doing so, as advertising is strictly against the rules, external clan discussion and advertising is also against the rules. Sorry, you'll have to take this somewhere else.

Wrong forum, I guess... my bad, obviously I haven't been here before. :smilewinkgrin:
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