Demon Slayer
Ok Ive been a member for over a week now and in this time i realized something. There are Many people in this forum that are very rude! And alot of them are to Newbs...ok ive seen alot of this on threads ( Ive seen this thread 10 times already... ive seen it 15 times) Ok we are talking about newbs here...they just arrived here!! (of course your going to think: well they should have looked at the FAQ) well guess what not all newbs think of looking at it they just got here and they don't know if it was writed before or not...Second lets say i asked a stupid question like oh I don't know...ok i got one lets say i asked Is there really going to be a new Zelda Game coming for the wii ( by the way its an example) alot of people will say Man Are You Retared?!? Trust me that is very hurtful for the person that actully wrote the thread...insted of insulting the guy or girl just write yes it will ( ok i realize that the question that i asked everyone would know that there is going to be a zelda game for the wii but you get my point!)
Another point i would like to bring is when someone is stating his or her opinion...please don't insult the opinion im sure that you have as much of other stupid opinion as well, For an example, lets say someone ask what do you think of sonic being on Brawl?? and someone says i think he should be in it and then someone reaplys Man are you @#$@en Retared or something?!? Sonic Should Never Be In brawl Man Your @%#ed up in the head!... it was his or her opinion to say that he thinks sonic should be there, why would someone go and insult his opinion because he thinks diffrently?!? which reminds me! ive seen kids of 12 years old the forum...but i see you people swear alot...just watch what you write please...
Thanks For Reading!
Demon Slayer
Another point i would like to bring is when someone is stating his or her opinion...please don't insult the opinion im sure that you have as much of other stupid opinion as well, For an example, lets say someone ask what do you think of sonic being on Brawl?? and someone says i think he should be in it and then someone reaplys Man are you @#$@en Retared or something?!? Sonic Should Never Be In brawl Man Your @%#ed up in the head!... it was his or her opinion to say that he thinks sonic should be there, why would someone go and insult his opinion because he thinks diffrently?!? which reminds me! ive seen kids of 12 years old the forum...but i see you people swear alot...just watch what you write please...
Thanks For Reading!
Demon Slayer
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