An error has occured...


Mohh2 Name: TheHater
Jun 19, 2007
alot of the time, when I boot my wii up fresh for the day, I decide to put a new game in. I take the old disc out, put the new game in, and immediately go to the game screen. When the game loads, the wii starts making a clicking
noise. it says Error: remove disc and turn off the power.
this doesn't always happen, mainly just when I haven't had it turned on for a while, and I put in a new game.

This doesn't really bug me too much, but i'd like to know if I can prevent it...

Thanks in advance.
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if I put it in wrong why would it only mess up occassionally.
I think I always have the printed side of the disc to my right
I'm pretty sure I haven't put it in wrong, but ill pay more attention to that.
Kingston said:
if I put it in wrong why would it only mess up occassionally.
I think I always have the printed side of the disc to my right
I'm pretty sure I haven't put it in wrong, but ill pay more attention to that.

is alien syndrome actually good?
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Cap'n Crunch said:
is alien syndrome actually good?

I really enjoy it, but I think you either hate it or you love it. get it if you like gauntlet, or that sort of hack -n- slash. if your not sure, rent it.
Personally I've got two 2-player files going and a single player file, all about half way through the game, and it's still fresh, but the single player gets pretty lonely after about 12 levels. the best part of the game is leveling up and distributing Stat points and proficiency. There's also a few decent minigames that give you special items.

don't judge it tell you play multiplayer.

P.S. No, I don't think I have a modchip, nor do I have any Idea what they are. my error problem hasn't happened for a couple days either so I think it's
gone away.
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The exact same thing happened to me when I first got my wii. After this happening intermittently over the next few days I called Nintendo and told them about it. They immediately said there is a problem with my wii and I could either send it in for repair (most people do this if they have a lot of VC games on their console since they cannot be backed up) or to get an advance replacement. I chose to get an advance replacement since I haven't bought any VC games at the time. I had to give them a credit card number so they could charge me if I didn't ship back my original defective wii. I got the replacement in about 3 days and I haven't had any problems with this replacement at all.
Well, I had this problem the second day I had my Wii. It made the clicking noise when the disk was in there and then it said an error has occured. I just read the troubleshooting in the book and restarted the Wii and I have only had this problem again once.

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