error occurs mid game


WiiChat Member
Sep 21, 2011
Help please, if possible.
Mid-game the system stops and "An error has occurred, remove disc etc, etc" message appears. It is not a disc issue as it happens on various game discs so it must be a console issue. I have done the usual power off, power on, unplug everything and am still getting the same problem. Has anyone had the same issue or know how to fix it??
Many thanks
I would say this is most likely an issue with the disc drive, or any Wii components relating to the reading of discs. I've got a few questions for you:

Have you damaged your Wii in any way recently, such as dropping something heavy on it, or dropped the Wii itself? Have you moved the Wii while it was on with a game inside? How old is the Wii? Does the Wii sit vertical, or is it laid horizontal on it's side?
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Thanks for the speedy response SSBfreakCK. The Wii console hasn't moved so there has been no damage but can't say if the console was moved when a game was playing as it's my kids that use it but I would very much doubt it. The Wii is about 5 years old and sits vertically.
My Wii's the same age and it has a similar, if not the exact same issue: fails to read any and all discs. It could be your Wii has finally grown too old and it's driver is worn down, so an official Nintendo repair may be necessary, which would certainly cost a bit. You may not need to resort to this, however.

After 5 years of use, sometimes the "lens" of the Wii's disc reader can get thoroughly dirty. Nintendo sells a Lens Cleaning Kit, which could solve all your problems for a fraction of the full repair price, and is very well worth a buy.

I'm not sure if Nintendo's online store will ship to the UK, however... If they don't, I'd imagine a website like could supply you with an official Nintendo cleaning kit.

Also, I have another question for you: do you own Super Smash Bros. Brawl? If your kids play the game a lot, this specific game is known to cause non-permanent problems with an older Wii's disc drive. If you do own the game, you may be able to get a 100% free repair by contacting nintendo via phone, and you won't even need to bother with the cleaning kit.

Hope this helps. =)

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