And Kojima's 'Mask' teaser is...

It seems like Kojima is literally holding Konami's business above water.

He should do Dance Dance Revolution next. Hahaha.
Castlevania... PS360?

Well, Castlevania was always kinda a big Nintendo supporter, even though it's had games on other consoles before. I just hoped the next big Castlevania would've been for the Wii.
Superrrr casssttlleevanniaaaaa IVVVVVVV<3

I'm interested in this, need to see more however.
symphony of the night was truly one of the best games of all time. By far the best in the series.
Got 10/10 acording to g4.
to those that asked why: i just never really liked it. the storyline is average at best and the gameplay can't even reach average. i just find the whole series as one big pile of failure.
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to those that asked why: i just never really liked it. the storyline is average at best and the gameplay can't even reach average. i just find the whole series as one big pile of failure.

Oh no, fair enough if you don't like it...but why on Earth would you hope that it fails?
@Shadow: Dude, the storyline is quite in depth. Its far beyond average, but it takes some time to fully understand, and you have to put all the seperate story lines together to get the full affect. The families in it also pay a huge role. Its a very good story line if you pay attention to it.

As far as gameplay, thats up to you. It depends on what type of games your into. The quality of the gameplay also varies from game to game alot. Symphony of the night has the best game play, and if you havent played it do so. It might change your mind. If you dont like that one though, Theres a strong chance you wouldnt like the rest of the series. I personaly have played SOTN a hundred times, and never get bored of it.

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