Another fake SSBB roster:


Yay I'm dead!
Jul 21, 2006
Over the Stars

This one looks pretty good, IMO.
HOLY !#$% just fix the character selections and I will be praying that this is the real thing!
I Like That One! I Like How They're Standing On Platforms Instead Of Being In Boxes
I like it, was really good made... but it kicked a lot of melee characters and samus is comvined with zero suit samus
Icetrash said:
i dont know half of those slippy, sothe, ray 01, lyn, jody, ilyana and soma

Chracters are from Star Fox, F-Zero, Custom Robo, and i don't know the other one. But there is no Waluigi in this one:(
Wii_Rulez said:
Chracters are from Star Fox, F-Zero, Custom Robo, and i don't know the other one. But there is no Waluigi in this one:(
FIRE EMBLEM! Am I the person who knows about that series on this forum?

Yeah, I'm a big fan of Fire Emblem and Lyn is the character I want most in Brawl:) . I don't know why Illyana is there though, she was a very minor character in Path of Radience, plus she was crap.

P.S: I like the way that mock-up looks but I don't like the way they've took loads of Melee charcters out.

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