Any good games for the Wii?


WiiChat Member
Oct 4, 2007
Florida, United States
Hey guys, this is my first post on this forum and I hope I don't seem too obnoxious with this post.

I've owned a Wii since it first came out, beat Zelda in a week and bought Wario Ware because people told me it was a fun game. I've rented a few random titles, such as Elebits (waste of time but amusing), Trauma Center (Dr. Styles is so hot) and Pokemon Revolution. Now I'm left asking myself, what other games are good on the Wii?!

I'm a girl, so I'm not too interested in games like Red Steel (which sucked, by the way), and Brain Acedemy became too repetitive. Are there any fun games that can be enjoyed by oneself, besides the ones I've mentioned? My Wii has been collecting dust for some time now!

Thanks for reading, and please suggest something!

PS: Are there any rumors that Animal Crossing will come out for the Wii?
Paper Mario is a lot of fun - it's a little kiddie-ish, but has some good "ol school" gameplay (apparently it's more like a conventional platform game that the other PM's in the series). My wifey totally grooves on it.

She's also a huge fan of horror/survival games, so she like Resident Evil :D Not sure where that falls in the "girly scale", heheheh.
There are a few good games like metriod and the new star wars but im not a girl so i wouldnt know whats a good game to you but a great game is coming December 3rd and im pretty sure you've heard of it. If you havent heard of it its called super smash bros brawl.:smilewinkgrin:
Yeah I agree that MP3 and re4 is a must have but genre should be considered.. Hmm.. Have you heard of Cooking Mama Cook Off? If you like to try slicing, chopping, etc2x with your wiimote then the game could be fun for you... MySims is already out, it's a fun game.. the game tends to lag on loading screens sometimes though... but it's manageable.. hehe.. Graphics is cute... you might like it. :smilewinkgrin:
I would suggest MySims....Mysims....and...Mysims...Metroid 3...and Mysims...also, Mysims...and Scarface...Oh! And Mysims!

Come on,guys. You ALL saw that coming!:lol:
my gf loved super paper mario

MP3 is good but one of my female friends likes it and the other does not. Neither of them _think_ they have the skills to play it. I think they do they just don't have the patience.

RE4 is good but it also didn't appeal too much to the females.

God Father appealed to them but again they thought they couldn't play that far. (I still think that's not true)

She likes Tiger Woods 08 and she didn't think she would


My Sims is way to simple.

Mario Strikers is a boy on boy game for sure.

Madden might be good but my girlfriend hasn't gotten into it and she loves madden.

Games that really didn't interest my gf (or me for that matter): excite truck, elebits, rayman rabbid rabbits, The Bigs (which I do like), Trauma Center, Scarface, WarioWare (could this be the most overrated game?)

Hi, i know its not the best of answers but you could always get some old gamecube games to stop the WII gathering dust.

Actually can anyone answer please, why if the WII can play great graphic games eg nightfire etc does all the Wii games look like they have been coloured in by a 3 year old. I know its gameplay Nintendo have gone for but a lot of the games i have seen so far are little bodys with big heads.

cheers all, keep up the good work.
frostycloc said:
Hi, i know its not the best of answers but you could always get some old gamecube games to stop the WII gathering dust.

Actually can anyone answer please, why if the WII can play great graphic games eg nightfire etc does all the Wii games look like they have been coloured in by a 3 year old. I know its gameplay Nintendo have gone for but a lot of the games i have seen so far are little bodys with big heads.

cheers all, keep up the good work.

I would love this actually but I really don't know anything about the gamecube games except for zelda and resident evil 4. I need to get a couple of GC controllers
frostycloc said:
Hi, i know its not the best of answers but you could always get some old gamecube games to stop the WII gathering dust.

Actually can anyone answer please, why if the WII can play great graphic games eg nightfire etc does all the Wii games look like they have been coloured in by a 3 year old. I know its gameplay Nintendo have gone for but a lot of the games i have seen so far are little bodys with big heads.

cheers all, keep up the good work.

Nightfire rocks!

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