Apple Wireless Mighty Mouse

Fierce Deity

Hero of Wind
Jul 7, 2006
South Carolina



Does anyone have it? Or like/want it? I think it is very cool and i will definatly get it when i get my MacBook.
that type of mouse has been out for ageies
Anyway I like it, and its up to normal PC's??? but I'm deffinetely NOT getting a MacBook until I get my Wii :)
Darkprinny said:
that type of mouse has been out for ageies

No, the wired Mighty Mouse has been out for about a year, but this is the new, wireless version, which just came out about a week ago.
Besides, he's asking our opinions, not telling us to go buy it; he doesn't even have a link to the site.

Fierce Deity said:
Does anyone have it? Or like/want it? I think it is very cool and i will definatly get it when i get my MacBook.

Now anyway, as for this new Mighty Mouse, it certainly looks nicer than the wired one. I actually bought the original wired Mighty Mouse when it came out after using it in a store, but returned it after about a week of use.

Why, you ask? Because for it's price, I would expect a true forward and back button for web surfing; the only way to go forward or back is to left or right scroll, which I did a lot without meaning to because the scroll-ball moves in any direction which is one of it's coolist, but ultimately annoying feature.

Also, and this has probably been fixed, but sometimes when I would left click it would think I was right clicking and vice versa because it uses touch-sensetivity. This may or may not be true, I can't remember it very well, but I think if you have two fingers resting on either side of the scroll-ball, just like you normally have your fingers on a mouse, when you right click, it thinks you are left and right clicking at the same time, which results in a left click. Again, they have probably worked this out by now, but just make sure to try out the Mighty Mouse at your local Apple Store if you have one, or anywhere that has one for that matter.

Also, it's not a mouse for gamers, although I know Fierce, you won't be playing a lot of PC games, but for gamers, Mac-users or PC-users, don't get this mouse because you need the kind of mouse with a scroll-wheel that clicks as you turn it, not a free-turning one like what this mouse or those (crappy) Micro$oft mice.

Having said all that, if you don't mind hitting the back button in your web browser, or you have a trained scroll-finger, and you like messing around in Photoshop, you'll definitly want this mouse. It seems a bit overpriced but it's pretty, doesn't require software to be installed (atleast if you're using a Mac; this is true for all mice, wired and wireless) but if you do install the software, which you really should, you will get a lot of nice features, like being able to bring up Dashboard by clicking the scroll-ball, using Expose by squeezing (which I still find a bit odd) the sides, and you can even save your Mighty Mouses settings so if someone gets on your MacBook (which you really shouldn't let anyone do without charging admission) and has different preferences, they can save their settings to a different name.

Good thread, Fierce. It'll be really nice to have the Mighty Mouse since you are getting a MacBook with a 13.1in widescreen, which will make windows smaller and the need for a scroll-ball mouse a must.

Just wondering, are you going for a the white or black MacBook?

If I were to get one, I'd go for white because it shows less smudges and would go well with the Mighty Mouse, and it really looks like a Mac more than the black one does, atleast to me anyway, but the black one is sort of like the black iPod: smudges easy but can look very sharp.

(click to enlarge)

What's your pick?:scared:
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NateTheGreat said:
No, the wired
Just wondering, are you going for a the white or black MacBook?

If I were to get one, I'd go for white because it shows less smudges and would go well with the Mighty Mouse, and it really looks like a Mac more than the black one does, atleast to me anyway, but the black one is sort of like the black iPod: smudges easy but can look very sharp.

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What's your pick?:scared:

i am DEFINATLY getting the white. for two reasons.
the price. and the fact that if i get a black one all my friends would just think it was a dell or gateway of somthing. [the ingorence of some people] they just dont know anybetter.

and also i just think the white looks more "apple".
Wow that mouse look pretty cool. This thread makes me want a MacBook. I might try and get one after I but the Wii.

So can anyone tell me some pros and cons of the MacBook? Cause it looks pretty sweet so far.
Octogon said:
Wow that mouse look pretty cool. This thread makes me want a MacBook. I might try and get one after I but the Wii.

So can anyone tell me some pros and cons of the MacBook? Cause it looks pretty sweet so far.
Basicly, it does everything better than any dell, gateway, sony, or toshiba notebook out there.

Because you are buying a Mac you won't have:
  1. Viruses because there aren't any known for it and the need/cost of a firewall because a good one is built-in
  2. Spyware, or the need/cost of a spyware blocker because there is little to no spyware for Macs
  3. Trojans because things can't download in the background without you knowing it (like they do in Windowz) and if something is trying to be downloaded, many times you will be promted for a password but that rarely happens
  4. Freeze-ups, although they do happen once in a while, they won't wreck everything (like they do in Windoz)

As for the specs on the MacBook, go here to get a full and un-complicated list of features, like a built in mic, speakers, 512MB RAM, 80GB hard drive, high-resolution built-in iSight camera, slot-loading (yes, like the Wii) SuperDrive which burns almost any kind of disc, and more standard features.

Oh, and if you're still attached to Windoz, or if you like Linux, you can boot into them and everything will work just like a normal PC, a.k.a. you can play all your Windoz-only games, use Windoz-only apps, etc. You can even run Windows within a window while in the Mac operating system, aswell as linux, so you could have all three major operating systems running simultaneously, and pretty well I've heard.

Also, if you are a PC gamer, or work a lot in PhotoShop or Video-editing applications, I'd suggest going with the MacBook Pro, pictured below, which gives you a bigger, higher-resolution 15in screen, faster hard drive, SuperDrive, faster CPU, and 1GB of RAM standard (on certain models).

I have the non-Intel version of the MacBook Pro, called the PowerBook which is almost identical when it comes to size and weight and it's really light at just 5.6lbs and thin at 1.1in thick, but you are going to be spending $700+ more for these added features, so a MacBook may be better if you aren't planning on serious laptop gaming (which you shouldn't anyway since no laptops on the market are superb for gaming although my PowerBook can play UT2K4, Halo, and Doom3 pretty well with somewhat high settings).

(click to enlarge)

Hope that answers your question.:D
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Thanks NateTheGreat, it seems like a good buy. I'll try and buy it sometime after the Wii. I love the feature that allows you to run as if it was wondows or linux. Sounds awesome.
Arcadium said:
Whats the cost of a macbook right now?
They run from $1100-$1500, and each can be upgraded. You can get them for a bit less you are a/or know a college student, but otherwise, that's about as cheap as they run. Go here to see the choices/prices.

If you're more interested in the more expensive/more powerful MacBook Pro, they run $2000 and up, unless you're a college student, which lowers the price about $200 bucks and upgrades are also cheaper; choices/prices here.

Seriously, don't upgrade the RAM through Apple if you can help it because they charge extra, so buy the RAM from a place like, but do upgrade the hard drive when you buy it, if you want, because you can install that yourself.

I meant to say before, but I'll say it now: Do not, I repeat DO NOT BUY A MAC UNTIL AFTER AUGUST!!! These MacBooks are new and still have some bugs and also, Apple will be releasing their new operating system, Leapord, and if you buy a MacBook now, you will have to pay for the upgrade. If you wait, Leapord will come standard on MacBooks for no extra charge, so just wait until AFTER AUGUST!

A good rule of thumb when considering buying a Mac is to wait as long as you can because Apple likes to make upgrades to their computers without prior notice, but after a certain point, you just have to bite the bullet and buy one.
Personally I can't stand the mighty mouse, but it's all personal preference. I just use my good 'ol wireless usb logitech mouse :) I stuck the mighty mouse into my old pc and installed the drivers, so when my friends come over they have to use it, and so far all of them hate it :lol:

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