Aussie Wifi Night - Wii


The one and only
Jul 2, 2006
Wii Online Code
Ok after much dileberation about where to post this I settled for Wii Online. Anyhoo with the first Wifi Title coming up shortly (Mario Stirkers Charged) I thourght its about time for the Wii WiFi Night thread to start.

Tournament Rules
This will be unlike the DS Wifi Night in that it'll be more of a tournament due to the Wii using a TV and most people like to use there TV at night. Everyone plays off against everyone else twice (at this stage anyway may be more) and for a win you get 3 points, a loss is 1. If you aren't at your match you get no points while your opponent gets 2 points. At the end of all the matches I'll list out the points and then these finals will happen:
1st vs 2nd
3rd vs 4th
5th vs 6th
7th vs 8th
9th vs 10th

Any ranks lower than 10th won't have a final unfourtunatly just becasue well I said so ok?? The following tournamnet will take palce over a weekend. The current date is undecided as of the moment so please check back.

Tournament Dates
Round 1: 29/6/07 till 1/7/07 (Friday till Sunday)
Time 1: Saturday 9:00am
Time 2: Saturday 12:00pm
Time 3: Saturday 4:00pm
Time 4: Sunday 9:00am
Time 5: Sunday 11:00pm
Time 6: Sunday 3:00pm

Round 2: 6/7/07 till 8/7/07 (Friday till Sunday)
Round 3 (Finals): 14/7/07 till 15/7/07 (Saturday till Sunday)

People in the Tournament
Stuzz78 (257799 826668)
m7ticalm (094591 074380)
Oceanic (167605 576299)
Tim (133245 784656)
Almo (429598 658428)
nkbswe5 (347994 632551)
Riviet (524088 839969)
Flip (043052 425520)
Ness (494023 100272)
Reefer121 (3136 3483 2373)
Eagles (395239 529625)
Gpoleweski (064526 542609)
Deity Link (502614 346616)

People Currently Interested:
Sam Harris
Jono (043052 232782)

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Hey Diety, I know you know but I'm in for the tournament when I get the game around June 12 so don't start before then!!!! ;) And do we really want a knock-out tournament? I'm up for a round-robin unless we are over run by Aussie competitors!
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Yeah thanks I'll post a list up of people now
I have it pre-ordered so I'm in (fully paid of only took 4 or so games) if you need any help just ask my one went done like i wasn't even there!:wink:
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Sam_Harris said:
if you need any help just ask my one went done like i wasn't even there!:wink:
:lol: just :lol: (for anyone who doesn't get the joke he organized it yet failed to be I took over)

Anyhoo does everyone like the rules set out I wasn't sure how to do it but they look good to me, any objections
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Deity I'm also willing to help, though I don't know if I could do anything to help you! ;) . I guess I can cheer from the side lines "Woooh Deity you organise that tournament, yeah!"
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Thanks Eagle :lol: and yes I will organise that tournament....dam it my mind went blank and I forgot the other thing I was going to post/say
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Lovely rules deserves a award speaking of awards since your the one with photoshop I expect better prizes then mine! hmmph
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:( well I don't have it at the know new computer and all that
After all that I've read tonight, I really do feel compelled to get this game. So count me in for this Awesome, Awesome to the Max! Adventure. Also I'll put my Wii Online Code and Username on tomorrow. Since my bro doesn't feel like this is a good game, what I'll do is see how much it is when it come out (introductory offer) if it's $80 then I most likely will get it, after all, I can always take it back. And btw, can any of you get Wii games from your local Video Ezy or Blockbuster? Because we got nothing.
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Not really at the moment. I'm installing Photoshop at the present moment so I'll make up the prizes (by that I mean sigs that will give you bragging rights)soonish, so not much to do at the moment

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