Camping at Gamestop for Brawl


WiiChat Member
Jan 24, 2008
Southern California
My schedule looks something like this.

  • 9:30am - Go to class
  • 3:03pm - Leave class and get stuff
  • 4:15pm - Get in front of GS and sit
  • 7:30pm - Get dinner (pizza) at Target
  • 11:30pm - Sleep

  • 6:15am - Get breakfast at Subway
  • 11:30am - Get lunch
  • 5:00pm - Get dinner
  • 10:00pm - Keep my space in the line
  • 11:59 - GET BRAWL

  • 1:00am - Go to friends house and play SSBB

But I am unsure of how to burn time whilst there, I will have a portable color TV and a DS with me though.
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your camping out friday? Wow. i dont think the line will start friday. My plan is to do whatever Saterday. ( took off from work to relax, hang out with friends before brawl) then between 10-11:30 go to GS. Wait, maybe play the tournament. then get brawl, go home, play for a few hours, sleep, wake up, brawl...
Well that's cool and all, a little early? I mean you can pre-order it and walk in at 12 you know, I'm not that obsessed, and I would never camp out for a game unless I did it with my friends, otherwise I'd feel MAD awkward, Me and my friends are going to the midnight release of Gears of War 2 though, this November!
Thats a little hardcore. You must live in a big city hey? Camp in front of my Gamestop, it's 15 below. Lol, I'm going to see if there people actually camping there right now.
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Wiitime said:
your camping out friday? Wow. i dont think the line will start friday. My plan is to do whatever Saterday. ( took off from work to relax, hang out with friends before brawl) then between 10-11:30 go to GS. Wait, maybe play the tournament. then get brawl, go home, play for a few hours, sleep, wake up, brawl...
I have been hyped for this for SO long I just can't wait there friday night at home >.<
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FLYNNN said:
Well that's cool and all, a little early? I mean you can pre-order it and walk in at 12 you know, I'm not that obsessed, and I would never camp out for a game unless I did it with my friends, otherwise I'd feel MAD awkward, Me and my friends are going to the midnight release of Gears of War 2 though, this November!
I already pre-ordered but I LOVE the experience of the line. =D
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sherwood3570 said:
Thats a little hardcore. You must live in a big city hey?
It's medium size: Irvine California

sherwood3570 said:
Camp in front of my Gamestop, it's 15 below. Lol, I'm going to see if there people actually camping there right now.
Sounds fun.
Whatever floats your boat, I'm not here to judge, but if I were to do that I'd probably have to wait in some snow storm and mad weird people would walk by, and I would never.
Camping is one of my most favorite things to do! :)
you can make smores, sing songs... tell ghost stories.

getting in touch with nature... so peaceful! :yesnod:
my schdule

11:30- go to walmart
12:00- go inside
12:05 pay for brawl
12:15 get home
1:00 sleep
9:00 get ready for chuych
10:00 go to church
2:00 continue with brawl.
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FLYNNN said:
Whatever floats your boat, I'm not here to judge, but if I were to do that I'd probably have to wait in some snow storm and mad weird people would walk by, and I would never.
Your choice. :)
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Dkw0101 said:
my schdule

11:30- go to walmart
12:00- go inside
12:05 pay for brawl
12:15 get home
1:00 sleep
9:00 get ready for chuych
10:00 go to church
2:00 continue with brawl.

Wow, sounds like a casual gamer if I ever seen it :frown2:
Sounds like a guy who knows his priorities.

19 November was a Sunday...I so totally skipped. ;)

I didn't even know Brawl was coming out here. Call me casual, or call me freaking dedicated to the UK release. ;)
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Brawny said:
Sounds like a guy who knows his priorities.

19 November was a Sunday...I so totally skipped. ;)

I didn't even know Brawl was coming out here. Call me casual, or call me freaking dedicated to the UK release. ;)
>.> MUST HAVE FIRST COPY for self esteem :p

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