Ban the user above you!

Banned for such unadulterated idiocy. If you've never implied somethin', then I've never caught a Magikarp.
Banned for umm...idk...still laughing about how you got me in that other thread...too funny...

Ok, so banned for thinking you are soooooo smart.
Banned for a weak attempt at ruining the pride I have over my superior intellect. 'Least others try harder.
Hey, no offense taken! Didn't you see from the other thread? The vargen is the best gun ever! Why proxyton when you can use that?!

Banned for making terrible weapons choices, and not opting for the true best gun, vargen...pft...
Banned for thinkin' smart weapon choices are everything. Didn't you see from the other thread? The LeMat Revolver is the coolest gun ever!