Belated Hello From Suner52!

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thank you... =]
The_Loose_Cannon said:
no its the fact that all the "boys" on fhis site are all over her like flies on a ribroast. has me a tad bit concerned
hey? ive only seen 2 people on this forum whove spoken to her that i'm sure are boys:


(sorry mccloud i'm not too sure bout you)
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lawl, no theres more xD
bonodo said:
hey? ive only seen 2 people on this forum whove spoken to her that i'm sure are boys:


(sorry mccloud i'm not too sure bout you)

Yes bonodo I am a female called Jamima:lol:

I am male, called Jam.

Hmm, Welcome'z and dont forget to read the rule'z<3
The_Loose_Cannon said:
no its the fact that all the "boys" on fhis site are all over her like flies on a ribroast. has me a tad bit concerned
eh not me, i tried avoiding but keeps pm me and tried not to go where she posts.
WiiWouldLike2Play said:
hey, not funny. x_o lol .. i never said she was acting like a pedo. 'pedo' was adams word. i said she acts like a man.
:lol: :lol: :lol: WHAHAHA........a man
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