Belated Hello From Suner52!

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'Chav is a mainly derogatory slang term in the United Kingdom for a subcultural stereotype fixated on fashions derived from American Hip-Hop (African-American) fashions and stereotypes such as gold jewellery and designer clothing combined with elements of working class British street fashion. Chavs are generally considered to have no respect for society, and to be ignorant or unintelligent.'

And they look EXACTLY like this:

don't even ask.

it's a british think.

sort of like our ganstas...but weirder...and they get high's a strange breed.

there you go. It's like america's wangstas
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Hah, i like Gangsta'z canadian Style =P
But i like asians more =O

I'm 'Gangsta'
surfinrach90 said:
'Chav is a mainly derogatory slang term in the United Kingdom for a subcultural stereotype fixated on fashions derived from American Hip-Hop (African-American) fashions and stereotypes such as gold jewellery and designer clothing combined with elements of working class British street fashion. Chavs are generally considered to have no respect for society, and to be ignorant or unintelligent.'

And they look EXACTLY like this:

lmfaoo that pic made my day. anywayz welcome, follow the rulez and blah blah blah u know the rest.
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I've already broken most =[

But i promise to be a better wii chatter =]
Rach how dare you:lol:

I only steal Rach, its kwon you need to look out for, the E-Player/stalker:lol:

But to my knowledge his is already a good friend of your's, so sad;)
Cpt.McCloud said:
-finishs copying down list-

Now when is it your parents work?:lol:

haha, joke's.

But cool, welcome to teh wiichat.
Thats a great way to welcome someone. :lol:
Anyway, welcome to wiichat, even if it is a little late. I hope you enjoy your stay here, although it looks like you may already be enjoying it. :)
The_Loose_Cannon said:
i dont trust this chick....... :shifty:

I can understand why you're keeping an eye on her. I'll report to you if anything bad happens. If nothing bad happens:

@Suner: Welcome to WiiChat!
no its the fact that all the "boys" on fhis site are all over her like flies on a ribroast. has me a tad bit concerned
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought Cpt. McCloud was joking around. I understand what you're saying though.
no jam is the one who told me about her first through MSN (cpt mcloud)

everyone else................well they know whats up
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Umm, i'm sorry... for anything.. i just dunt want u too have negativity about me.. infact i heard you really cool and fun, and i was hoping to get to know u i guess. but its your decision, sorry for ny truble.........

I wasn't all over her. . .

I barely get involved with anyone on this forum now apart from one's I meet a while ago like jill, tyler and rach.


What did I tell you o_0
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