

Feb 11, 2008
I'm new to the wiichat forums. I'm GigaRidley's brother! I'm 15 years old, and I can't wait for brawl!

Favorite Games: Pikmin, Luigi's Mansion, Super Smash Bros., Phoenix Wright, Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, Guitar Hero, Tales of Symphonia, The Sims 2, Paper Mario, Kingdom Hearts, Shining Force, Sonic Series, Sly Cooper

Least Favorite Games: HALO, Grand Theft Auto, Anything Too Violent
Hey Greg, glad you finally joined wiichat! This place is great, I'm sure you'll like it here!
P.S: Me and Olimar are twins.
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Thanks! I'm surprised the name wasn't already taken! What the the little green blocks under my name?
The green block under your name is called reputation. As the amount of blocks you earn, the more reputation you have. Don't whore it though and ask for rep. It is looked down upon here.

Welcome to the forum. Remember to follow the rules. Have fun!

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