Best Buy Remodel


Nintendo 4life
Oct 16, 2006
Wii Online Code
7527 1826 6337 6464
wats up people. i work at Best buy and in the next 2 weeks my store is going to remodel its entire gaming section, and if its a success then the rest of the stores will follow. so i have a few questions i wanna ask. i ask also that you leave your name at the end.

1. where do you go FIRST to get games?

2. Why do you go to ____ 1st?

3. how important is it to have demos in the store before you purchase?

4. would having used games and trade-ins make you shop best buy more?

5. any other comments

appreciate it fellas
1. where do you go FIRST to get games?
A game shop

2. Why do you go to ____ 1st?
Because a book shop wont have any video games

3. how important is it to have demos in the store before you purchase?
Depends on the game
Only put games that look good on a demo pod (and no games with 15+ content)

4. would having used games and trade-ins make you shop best buy more?
I have never been in one
Depends on there price
Some people wont bother if its a fiver less but if it was a tenner less
(convert to your own type of money)
5. any other comments
1. where do you go FIRST to get games?

2. Why do you go to ____ 1st?

3. how important is it to have demos in the store before you purchase?

4. would having used games and trade-ins make you shop best buy more?

5. any other comments

1) I don't have one particular place. It depends on the scenario. For quick things, I go to Gamestop. For competitive pricing I go online. To secure hard to find items, I go to a major retailer such as Best Buy.

2) I probably shop at Gamestop first because it is the closest and quickest fix for games. It is also possible to find last generation games for the gamecube, playstation2 and xbox.

3) I don't care for demos. I have never bought a game based on a demo. However, listing catalogs of reviews would compel me to come more often. I would not be interested in some proprietary review score system. Perhaps open access to magazines would be a nice thing to read ads and previews and stuff. There are some nice stuff about reading stuff in a paper format.

4) If it was competitive to Gamestop's pricing. I wouldn't mind having an account system that would get me to trade games to get more competitive rates. It would be nice to see what the approximation of the trade in values would before coming into Best Buy. Gamestop doesn't offer those kinds of services. Selling games on the internet might be slightly better in getting money but people can be real dicks about how the deal is managed. If Best Buy generally can offer better services and respect for the customers, that would be a win for me.

5) If you can set up everything to edge over Gamestop, people are more likely to come. If you want an idea what you can do to be better than gamestop, I would welcome you to see videos that would advise on how to out do gamestop. There is A LOT of cussing but over look it and you will understand.

Part 1: [video=youtube;x5_DgLCu6fk][/video]

Part 2: [video=youtube;7-QmOowEkWY][/video]

Part 3: [video=youtube;IW82QZNQi5s][/video]

Part 4: [video=youtube;MTUtJ2sUZiw][/video]

Part 5: [video=youtube;Bl6y05WZ7_Y][/video]
1. where do you go FIRST to get games?
•Online. SOmetimes at a small business Game place where new games are like $5 cheaper than bigger chains.

2.Why do you go to ____ 1st?
Great prices and more convenient.

3. how important is it to have demos in the store before you purchase?
Not that important, youtube and google is more important to get gamer reviews before I buy.

4. would having used games and trade-ins make you shop best buy more?
1. where do you go FIRST to get games?
2. Why do you go to ____ 1st?
Because they have used games (i.e. cheaper games)
3. how important is it to have demos in the store before you purchase?
Pretty important for the Wii I suppose, but as you can download demos for 360 and PS3, they wouldn't be needed as much.
4. would having used games and trade-ins make you shop best buy more?
5. any other comments
If Best Buy started accepting trade-ins and selling used games, it would be great. It might give some competition to gamestop so they might lower their used game prices and up their trade-in value (that is, if Best Buy has cheaper games). I think that would be a situation in which everybody would benefit.
1. where do you go FIRST to get games?

Usually anywhere including Best Buy.

2. Why do you go to ____ 1st?


3. how important is it to have demos in the store before you purchase?

Not important at all.

4. would having used games
and trade-ins make you shop best buy more?

No. That's what REAL game stores are for. Best Buy shouldn't follow suit.

5. any other comments

Yes. PLEASE STOP telling customers they NEED Monster cables to run their sh*t. Monster is a rip off and thousands of Americans are losing money to this criminal company.
Yes. PLEASE STOP telling customers they NEED Monster cables to run their sh*t. Monster is a rip off and thousands of Americans are losing money to this criminal company.
Well said.
At least they're not like the folks at circuit city who don't even know what monster cables are. I guess it's a good thing CC went out of business. xD
ads mostly (cheaper is better)
walmart (it's less than 2 miles away, i walk through when im there)
usually buy from Toys r us or BB.

demos i rarely play. nothing i like.

HELL NO! have you seen their new trade in service????
check and see how much your stuff is "worth".......

dont hire high school students...
put a better selection of movies and tv series at the one by me (elyria, oh)
target has the DBZ series week of release. BB i have to wait forever
this is where i get most of my electronics... they are way cheaper and have a bigger selection if you can wait...
wats up people. i work at Best buy and in the next 2 weeks my store is going to remodel its entire gaming section, and if its a success then the rest of the stores will follow. so i have a few questions i wanna ask. i ask also that you leave your name at the end.

1. where do you go FIRST to get games? GameStop

2. Why do you go to ____ 1st? Because they have a wider selection

3. how important is it to have demos in the store before you purchase? i believe it is important to demo big name games for at least two weeks after its release

4. would having used games and trade-ins make you shop best buy more? No, i think it would look like clutter and cause more theft

5. any other comments Best Buy is a corporate whore with shitty lazy managers that watch youtube all day in their office and have no clue how to do their job or what is even going on,

appreciate it fellas

Well said.
At least they're not like the folks at circuit city who don't even know what monster cables are. I guess it's a good thing CC went out of business. xD

I actually didn't wanna see Circuit City go out of business until one day where I had a confrontation with the big security guys.
They were following me around and pointing fingers at me the whole time I was there. They thought I was there to steal Wii games. lol! I finally couldn't take it and confronted them. I told them off so good they were speechless!!

Anyway, I hate hearing "Well I know you just paid $300 for a new Blu Ray player but you need to buy this $300 dollar Monster cable in order for it to work right on your TV." I try my best to avoid Best Buy employees. No offense lloyd_yayo since I've never met you in person.
wats up people. i work at Best buy and in the next 2 weeks my store is going to remodel its entire gaming section, and if its a success then the rest of the stores will follow. so i have a few questions i wanna ask. i ask also that you leave your name at the end.

1. where do you go FIRST to get games?

2. Why do you go to ____ 1st?

3. how important is it to have demos in the store before you purchase?

4. would having used games and trade-ins make you shop best buy more?

5. any other comments

appreciate it fellas

1. Amazon - I like to read user reviews before buying; even the people who hate it can often reveal reasons why I would like the game (conversely, sometimes the reason people love a game let me know that I would hate it).

2. whoops, see #1. Also they sometimes have better deals.

3. Demos not THAT important...more often they make me realize that I would not like a game as much as I expected to. Millionheir Case Files sounded great but when I played it in a Best Buy I just wanted to throw it on the floor and stomp it to death.

4. Used & trade-ins probably wouldn't make me shop BB more. I sometimes trade in at Gamestop but the prices always suck and they never have a used version of what I want. So it's rarely worth the bother.

5. If you must put Rock Band demos w/ drums out, where the hell is the drum pedal? How are you supposed to get all the way through a song without the pedal?

Appreciate it "fellas" - not all of us are fellas; I am much more apt to make impulse buys than my husband. I do shop at Best Buy when I can, and I usually walk out with SOME game for Wii or DS. I have to say the Rewards program used to be better...we used to hold off on buying stuff until we could get out to BB and earn points on it. Now the points earned are so insignificant that it isn't worth thinking about, especially since stuff is a few bucks cheaper on Amazon anyway (which is all the Rewards program amounts to now, at best).
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Anyway, I hate hearing "Well I know you just paid $300 for a new Blu Ray player but you need to buy this $300 dollar Monster cable in order for it to work right on your TV." I try my best to avoid Best Buy employees. No offense lloyd_yayo since I've never met you in person.

non taken, i know some do that because of yada yada, but i keep it real. i dont tell people to do/buy anything that i wouldnt buy.

and to jenniepep from above^^^^^ sorry to offend you, should've been mindfull of that.
LOL, I wasn't really too offended - just lettin ya know! Chicks buy games too (and not just girlie favorite is HotD Overkill).

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