Wii U demo units arrive at Best Buy

hybrid -x1

~graceful assassin~
Sep 14, 2010
Shooting Star Suimmit
Wii Online Code
As expected, Best Buy has set up Wii U demo units at several of their stores across the US. The first photo of such a demo unit has been revealed, via Reddit.

We previously reported that Best Buy would be getting Wii U demo units on October 17, and it looks like Best Buy stayed true to their promise. The demo units look a lot like the ones we’ve seen at the Nintendo World Store in New York, and at various Wii U experience events throughout the US. Some users are also reporting that GameStop has begun setting up demo stations at some of their stores.

If you’re close to a Best Buy store, go and try out the Wii U and tell us what you think!


Source: WiiUDaily
Did not see it bestbuy. But yesterday at "target" they had a demo very similar to the bestbuy photo in this thread. But demo only. No way to play the games.
I went to Bestbuy yesterday in my town, and I didn't see a Wii U demo either I was bummed.
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My local Best Buy and GameStop has WiiU demos. I didn't play them because I'd rather wait for my Deluxe WiiU unboxing this coming Sunday.

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